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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Its been sometime since I have last blog. Life was as usual as it is, monotonous and dull in color. May be the new color that have been added to my life is the current General Election Rally/Speech.

All along, I share the same sentiment with people who thinks that is just propaganda in their speech/rally which I am not interested to hear. But this year, it seem that everyone is digging on what lies, propaganda the previous party had mention.

The few key topics which interest me is definitely on jobs, housing, transportation and foreign talent.

In 2-3 years time, I am going to start a whole new chapter of my life, entering the workforce. Who want to compete with foreign talent for a job which they will stand a higher chance due to their low salary/wages. We have lost 2 years of our time serving the nation which we can actually spend it on working/study which we can gain more experience/knowledge to command a higher pay. So who is going to guarantee that we will have a higher priority to get a job which is paid for a more comfortable survival in the Singapore city or who is going to force us to leave to other country to look for jobs, be their foreign talent, settle down and eventually give up out Singapore Citizenship?

Housing. How much would you spend just to RENT (if yo do not know that HDB flat will be yours for only 99 years and after that it will be back to the government) a place to live in. $400K for a 4 room flat which cost only $200K a few years back? $500K for a 5 room, 25 years of age? This is the current price for the current situation. For just a couple of years, the price shot up to a SKY ROCKET price which is not beneficial to the citizen and to the younger citizen. In future, you might need to spend $1 million just to get a 3 room flat and take 40 years to pay off your payment and then have to work till your death as there isn't any money left for your retirement. Everyone knows that Singapore is a small country with very little land space but that does not mean that the price of housing should be at such a high price which the citizen might not be able to afford.
Firstly, our wage/salary grade haven't catch up with the rising cost demands for transportation, food, groceries and even rising a kid. You need around close to $1K extra to have a kid as the infant care, milk powder, pampers, vaccine and much more need $.
Secondly, Singapore as what they had said is a small country. Having a limited land area yet a very ambitious plan to increasing our population worsen the demand supply of housing. We, Singaporean will eventually suffer due to the the low supply of housing due to the large demand for housing. Its the government plan to increase the population without factoring housing, transportation and even jobs demands. Due to their poor judgement, the citizen in turn have to pay for what extra cost which shouldn't even be added.
Thirdly, there are income ceiling which decide on the smallest possible type of flat you can purchase. If 1 couple both earn a comfortable $5 K a month wants to buy a HDB flat, they can only buy a 5 room flat. 2 person in a 5 room flat is firstly a complete waste of space, secondly, forcing the couple to pay for the unnecessary space required by them which result in having less saving which eventually affect the couple decision of having a baby.
Fourthly, why do we still have to pay interest for the public housing which is too expensive resulting citizen to have no options but to loan from the CPF. The interest is not few hundred dollars but thousands of dollar which add on the burden of the flat owner.

How about transportation. It just worries me that you have to squeeze into trains and buses every single day just to go to other places which is too far/long for the person to walk. If the cost of the transportation is kept low, we won't have much rights to expect a very comfortable ride. But the transportation fees is getting higher and higher while the comfort level get lower and lower. Most of the people had no choice but to take public transportation to work. If want to travel slightly more comfortable, CAB would be an option. But paying for $20-35 just to get to work seem to have taken up almost 30% of the days pay. Getting an MC seem to be a better option. The next option is Driving. Kiss $30K good bye even before you get your key to your car! Pay so much for the metal but you can only drive for maximum 20 years. No subsidies for petrol unlike neighboring countries which even require to fork out more money due to the large population.

Foreign Talent. They command a lower salary as compared to a singaporean with the similar qualifications and experience. They became the priority of employers choice of worker to fill up empty vacancy, the took up the low supply of housing leaving people having lesser chance to get a roof above their head. They add on to the massive squeeze every morning on public transports. The only thing they does is increase the population as what the government wants.

Wonder this time who will win. Just pray hard there are more opposition in the parliament to have a better decision/policy making.

Sadly I won't be able to vote due to the fact that I am AWAY on the voting day. Can't vote =(

it's you and me <3
10:31 PM

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weekend always passes so quickly. Sadly I have to return camp today for duty. That feeling sucks but what make it worst is the constant "feel like shitting" feeling made it worst. Had this problem whenever I wake up early and that is one of the reason that always make me leave the house super early or need me to take cab as after buisness and I still take train or bus I surely will be late.

5 more days to book out as I took leave on Friday. Few 2 more weeks to start of april, this means I am nearing my ORD (4 more months), to my overseas exercise in MAY and Taiwan trip in June! But sadly to be able to get to april, I still have to pass this 2 weeks.

This week is quite a hetic week for me. Need to complete my univeristy application by this weekend, so is my scholarship application. Will be taking safety audit course this Friday and Saturday, going for what close door party on Saturday night and A05 gethering on Sunday!! Still, will be absent from my cousin wedding as I will be in camp. Have 2 wedding to attend this month and for both I will and be absent!

Anyway, I went to NTU open house yesterday and was SIAN 0.5 when I step into the compound. Took around 5-9 minutes to drive up to the school campus for CBE and the course does not seems to be so interesting. I am so gonna wait for my admission to SIT!!.

it's you and me <3
4:15 PM

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Went out of camp to sit open house which was held at MOE building today. Brose through the small area which is kind of super small for open house.

Was looking around and was interested in New castle university and TUM. Both uni are tepting as both offer chemical engineering and for diploma it just take 2 to 2.5 years to complete. New castle university (NU) is the one that attract me the most. 2 years with honours and the course fee is just $19,170 not inclusive of the compulsory 1 month school in NU n UK.

And guess what... the degree programme will be held in ngee ann polytechnic which is where I am from! This means I am able to start school in a familiar environment and able to experience overseas learning/teaching environment. The school even follow UK calender for its semester/break/vacation. Now the problem is whether I should give up my NTU placing to go to NU which will allow me to enter the working world earlier.

Lucky SIT or NU accept CPF payment. if not it might not be that affordable. Now pray hard that I am able to persuade my parent to let me switch university if I can get into NU.

What more there will be a moltivation to save money for the trip over there which is super attractive. 1 month away from home and in Uk to study. NTU oversea attachment seem to be longer. Just don't really like the feeling of being away from home for super long time.

So how? anyone willing to enlighten me?

it's you and me <3
4:20 AM

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Guess what... after so long I have finally manage to use blogger on my phone... been so long since I blogged and log into gmail on this phone. Life haven't really been good recently.. people are just bear personal grudge on me.. kind of a childish move by the person.

Well I really do not know what exactly is he thinking. Must praise for his high IQ but have low EQ which kind of irritate me. He just think too highly of himself. So what if he is from reputated JC but unable to accept people from other school/institution. Can't accept to lose will always land him into deep shit. Just wait and see okay.

This week will be a long week as weekend need to stay in camp. But is okay... going to have 2 more off days! Don't think I will be going out much as I have spend a large amount of of money last month till my dad message me a long essay which made me feel so bad.

This month budget.. 300 hope I am able to do it...

it's you and me <3
6:51 AM

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today is the 4th day of the Lunar Calender and I finally decide to blog the first entry of this lunar year. May be I will start with what those astrologer says about the luck of those people born in the year of SNAKE. SUX! Therefore, I decided that I will not elaborate it further as it will be very disappointing.

This year new year was slightly more boring as I only visit my paternal relatives as my maternal grandmother had just died like less then 100 days yet. May be next year new year will be a BANG! Hopefully!

After 9 days of OUT CAMP day is ending today in a few hours time. Felt so EMO since yesterday night. Wonder when will be the next time I will be able to enjoy such a long holiday. On the brighter side, I am going to celebrate my mum's birthday later. We are going to Punggol Seafood at Marina Country Club! Hope the food isn't disappointing.

I am starting to count down to the next book out day! Can't wait.....

it's you and me <3
8:51 PM

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I am totally sick and tired of you nonsense! Please make up your mind fast don't keep changing your views. If you can't then simply just leave!

it's you and me <3
9:37 PM

2011 had finally arrived! Happy new year to all. Hope everyone had a good start!

Last day of 2010 was a OFF day for me. No army, No Duty, No Camp! Didn't had any event/activities planned and was kind of emotional about it. Think its the first count down with out any activity plan after the initial count down plan was cancelled. Shared my EMO-ING on facebook and got quite a few invites! Thanks to technology I am able to have a few last minute activities. Went out with Christopher for dinner before meeting Spencer and Eunice for count down at Clarke Quay then CU!

Count down was okay but the place we were at was kind of wrong as almost 50% of the fireworks were being blocked. 3.5 minutes of fireworks means Thousand and Thousand of money were being fired and explode in mid air. This explain the recent exponential height in the COE price, housing price and the constant HIGH tobacco TAX!

Luckily CU SO happening on new year day! Think its the second or third time it was so happening. Enjoyed every moment from the start till I left the place despite some things happened which kind of make me DU LAN.

But no matter what I had a good start for new year... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! HUAT AR

it's you and me <3
9:21 PM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


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Believe me - Dima Bilan