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Friday, October 29, 2010

Finally I have some time after a almost no sleep night i had yesterday night at the wake. Yesterday was so rush! Got a phone call from my dad informing me that my grandmother had pass away. Book out immediately and went straight down to NUH. Was there for close to 2-3 hours before we start heading down to the wake area and here I am, stuck there for the next couple of days.

Saw my grandmother in NUH and was shock with how bloated she is. Luckily she died peacefully. After some arrangement with the undertaker, we went to the montuary to wait for my grandmother body to be collected by the undertaker. Within hours, everything is settled. Really amaze with the power/efficiency of the undertaker.

Was at the wake the whole night until this morning before I can go to my aunt house to have a show and a short nap before going down again. Think today will be a busy day for use. Saw some of the relative which I haven't really seen before today, especially my mum cousin who is my dad classmate. He is so funny. Firstly everyone mistaken him to be some beggar or what coming to the wake as he was dressed up super sloppily. What more was that when I offer to help them to buy 4D as I am on the way home, he pass me the number he wanted to buy and gave me another $50 and tell me that for coffee! Think he is really to rich till he have no way to spend his money! But no matter what we have to be thankful that he came down today despite the fact that he will be flying off to DUBAI tonight.

Will be going back to the wake after a short bath and to pick my sister up from work.Drank a cup of chicken essence and coffee. Just hope the effect will come shortly. Totally to SHAG now.4 more days to go.....

it's you and me <3
1:27 AM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don't really know what have gotten in me. Was listening to my itouch and heard some songs that brought back memories. Not 1 song but 3. Of all the song why this 3 song start playing 1 after another despite having lots of song in my itouch. No matter whqt it was the reason, it just made me realise that my life havent progress at all. It seem to stop at the time when we are still happily together. Its so long since i thought about it and i thought that after so long i have finally move on.

Indeed, only fairy tale and dreams can have the happily ever after ending while the reality will slap u awake with all those heartbreaking moment. Everything is just fiction. We are living in the world where reality is the coldest of all. It just leave every single person with unhappy moment which simply destroy any feeling remaining. May be 1 day i will turn as cold as reality. Sometime i think being simple is still the best.

Thinking back to those happy time made me feel contented. Hugging you the whole day under the bed, attemp/ cook for you, making senseless solution to problem/ situation we are in. May be from the very start we already knew that we are incompatible. Our dreams are different, the way we do our things are different, almost everything seem to be different between us. May be that the reason i am attracted to you.

Still remember when we first get together, we just wanted to try out whether we are really suitable. Childish huh? But it turn out to make me fall for you. You poison my life nakig you the only antidote. This was why i always love the song Wu Ke Jiu Yao as i felt it descript how it was like.

What amaze me was that we still manage to get together again despite years. I don't think my 21st birthday is aa memorable as my19th birthday as it was the day i start meeting you after so long. I am just like a boy who is easily contented having a candy in hand.

Sometime i wish that i am able to freeze at the moment. It just 1 of a happiest period for 21 years. I know it was never possible. As fairy tale never happen in reality, we start facing some issue. Not being understanding for each other, not giving time/ attention to each other. Work/school/ family was somehow an issue. Both wanted more freedom. May be our defination of freedom is totally different too. I wanted to continue to do what i want/ what i wish. You wanted more time to stay at home or with your friend. Compromise was the solution but it seem like it bever happen at all.

And 1 day anger made me and you to do something that i never wish for. Breaking up was the reality. Those message still can be vividly remembered, the feeling felt when reading those words/message remain in me even till today. I want to get out of it but the poison which you had gave me was too strog for my heart to overcome.

I am happy and dissapointed when it seems like you had move on with your life. Thinking why and how you are able to move on sometime might make me feel jealous yet angry. Sometime i wish i can really know how u felt and how i wish you are able to feel how i feel.

On the other hand, so what if you know how i feel? We wouldn't get back together right? Why not just suffer till you get numb of the feeling. Wasn't it the process which a heart broken person have to go through?

All i know now that no matter what i wish/ wants won't happen. I haven't forget the promise we made on the first day we got together again. There won't be any 4th time as if the 3rd isn't able to work out, what will be the 4th be like?

You wanted me to be like aaron but it isn't easy and i have failed for many time. You told me not to waste our time waiting for each other but well i have waited for so long. So what the additional hours/ days make?

Wonder when i am able to get pver with it. I don't wabt to suffer like this anymore.

it's you and me <3
6:02 PM

Saturday, October 23, 2010

ARGH! My internet browser is giving so much problem. Especially when I surf facebook. I am log out almost immediately after i sign in. IRRITATING! Think I have been typing the password for don't know how many time before I can go to the page I want to go.

Wanted to blog yesterday night after I had coffee with Aaron, Amanda and See Kiang. Its the second meeting after 5 years for See Kiang. It seem quite fun to re-live our past for like an hour or two. It just make you feel that time passes so fast. But no matter how fast it have pass in the past, the reality always seem slower, lets not mention the future. Will be ORD-ing in August next year, fifth of August to be exact. Yes I know that it is less then a year but thinking that you need to go thru another 9+ agony long month doing nothing practical and intellectual, its going to be super boring and painstaking.

Will be booking in later in the night. Feel like meeting someone for dinner but not so sure whether the someone will be okay with it. Haven't met the someone for quite long. Just have the urge to meet her after so long. Just for a meal only. Just see whether I still want to do so later. After all I am indecisive; may be I will be pausing in-front of the phone for couple of minutes before I decide to type the message! I will see how. May be I will be staying at home and not going anywhere.

I want to watch mega-mind! I know its somehow like a lame show but I still want to watch. Watch the thriller a few month back and had wanted to catch the show once its been release. Let see who am I able to catch to accompany me to watch the show!

Let me see. I haven't been drinking for the pass 2 weeks. Had a very bad craving to go drinking for the past few days! I am not a hardcore drinker but just love the feel of slightly high... Don't you agree that its quite fun? Next week won't be going for sure as I will be in Malaysia. May be the week after next when my parents is away in Taiwan.

Guess what. I have start installing IE 8 before I start typing this blog entry and now I am going to end this entry but the installing is not even 25%. My computer is age-ing.

it's you and me <3
9:30 PM

Friday, October 22, 2010

Weekend seem like a homely affair for me now. Some time I just feel there is no where in singapore that will interest me anymore. What to do, who ask singapore to be a small place which simply lacks of attraction.

Downloading games to my itouch and trying to figure how to download games to my long forgotten PSP. Need truck loads of entertainment to entertainment for next week in camp. May be I will be going to the library to find some books too.

Will be heading down to malaysia again next week with my parents and relative and this means that I am able to drive again. YES! But hope my dad will let me drive longer.

Now I am thinking where to go later. Just want to go out and relax but don't know where to go. HAIZ..

it's you and me <3
10:05 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dengue, malaria is some illness i won,t be surprise when i go see a doctor if i fall sick. Ext time. The mosquitoes here are really crazy... Bitting every single part of me, injecting super lot of virus... Drawing super lot of blood from me... Its driving me insane! Doing nothing every single day, slacking in my bunk, reading, sleeping and rotting. How am i able to take such a lifestyle for anothe 6 weeks? Its really driving me insane!!!

Heard a good news from my sister. My parent are leaving for taiwan like on the start of november! 1 week of freedom i think... Just hope the figure in my bank account is able to be positive for me to party!

Just took flu medication, hoping the drowsy effect can allow me to sleep soundly later. I don't like waking up in the middle of the night just to scratch ... That super troublesome qnd irritating.

Cant ait to go back to jurong. Its far more comfortable over there despite the distqnce going thru and fro from home. But who cares the mere 2 hour plus trAvelling time as u spend super long time incamp.

1 more day to book out. I will perservier!

it's you and me <3
4:58 AM

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fuck. this is the third time i am typing this entry. its getting me quite piss off now. If this entry is accidentally delete again, i am going to kill everyone.

Getting easily agitated recently. Don' really know what the reason for it but just feel quite sorry for those people around me as they are the one getting my lousy attitude.

When to watch the movie Eat Pray love on sunday. Was kind of amaze with the presence of primary school kids watching the show. Wonder do they really understand the show or they seemly just watch it for entertainment. The show somehow require some thinking inorder to truely understand what the scriptwriter and director wanted to show.

Guess what, i am totally bored in camp (seletar) now. I am wasting every single second nua-ing in bed. Just hope the time will fly even faster. Anyway yesterday was my first night in seletar camp. Wasn't that bad just that its kind of insanely warm and humid at night. The commando mosquitoes was another enemy. They are totally starve and thirsty as they attack almost every single part of your body. Think i am going to stop sleeping the afternoon inorder to KO at night. 3 more nights to go before booking out! tolerate tolerate tolerate.

I am just hoping my dad will quickly buy a new phone now. I want to steal his Htc Snap which i got for him. How i wish someone will get me a black berry phone.

realize that i am wanting so many things yet i am so lazy to ask/save up. Haven't really ask my IC yet on my safety course yet. hope i am able to take it soon as before the funding end.

Let me see what else i want. A new apple laptop, a new black berry phone, may be change a new hp line, a motor license, a motorcycle, a car,a trip to somewhere out of singapore and having winter season now. I also won't mind a new watch even i don't really wear one.

How i wish a fairy got mother/father/God of fortune/santa clause is reading my blog.

it's you and me <3
5:51 PM

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The weather is freaky warm the day before, yesterday and today. Just pray that tomorrow the weather won't be so hot. Melting every single second as I am trying not to waste electricity by turning on the air-con.

Shifted to seletar camp yesterday and was horrified by the condition of the place. It totally look like the old alexander hospital. The room is so cramp with very little walking space, the number of fans is far lesser then what we have back in jurong camp despite the the place is slightly bigger. 16 - 22 people squeeze into a small bunk which i think normally 8-12 people sleeps is super bad. Especially the weather now is bad. Night time might be just bad as day time.

The canteen near to our bunk was ....., the toilet was .... the building was .... well in short, the place is really in a bad shape.

Well on the other hand, going back home is just 20 minutes away. Isn't that good? Fast and convenient.

Went out with my niece and cousins for Yong Tau Foo at henderson. Ordered super lots of food which cost only $16. Wasn't that bad... just the waiting/que-ing time is bad. By the time I reach home, it was like 430 in the morning. May be we should organize more cousins gathering.

Wasn't in the mood to go out today. Feel like resting at home, watch TV, use the computer and sleep.... And I shall continue doing it now..

it's you and me <3
12:34 AM

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Seems like Seng Kang people are all weak people. So many people went to the polyclinic that day. My doctor was the best. Made me wait for almost 2.5 hour while other consultation room seem to have patients going in and out. Consulted the doctor for only less then 5 minutes and was given lots of medication, super duper lots of medication. 112 pills of paracetamol, 2 bottles of eye drops and 7 pills of flu medication for my insomnia.

Made a impromptu relationships between the waiting hours, quantity of pills and name of doctor.

Here it goes : The longer your doctor name is, the longer you have to wait before you can consult him. The longer you wait for him, the more medication you will be prescribed. The more medication the doctor prescribe, the more money you have to pay.

Yesterday was quite a great day! Went out with Hui Ching and accompany her to go shop her stuff before we head down to CU. Was shock to see someone at CU as i didn't really expect the person to go down to CU that very night. Well, seem like everyone is having their own life happily.

Actually wanted to meet you out,have a dinner or brunch or supper. I was shock that you are still pissed with me. Hmm felt that its really kind of disappointed with you. Getting so work out for such a minor issue is like so not your style. Its kind of "XIAO SHI DA ZUO" If you want to continue your this kind of "to accommodate to your request, your wish way" I really don't know what to do.

Another issue that somehow make me feel so irritated was that I have to pay to go to someone birthday party?! Kind of crazy right? Paying 22 bucks to attend someone birthday party is like the first time I receive such an invite. Normally we will start polling all the money and try to give a big ang pao. And that was like around 20 bucks a person. What more this birthday party is held together with another friend. So this means we have to contribute to 2 presents. You may think that we are such a miser to complain on all this stuff. But isn't it kind of unconventional birthday invites.

it's you and me <3
10:50 PM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


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