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Thursday, September 30, 2010

May be I am having kind of bad of PMS as somehow every single things will make me feel irritated. Even the slightest itch on my skin will make me go crazy. Wonder is it the pills for the numbness of my chin area had somehow stimulated my other nerve in the rest of my body to be more sensitive to all the different feeling. I do not know.

What make me boils is that this morning I receive a call from my CQ who was simply a bitch. Come on! You can check when my MC ends from log books or ask my bunkmate right? You don't have to call me like 8 am just to ask me such a stupid question. It took me so much effort to make me fall asleep but 1 bloody call had make me wake up. It fuel my PMS mood and somehow it evolve to some freaky monster mood that I will start an argument/ quarrel with anyone at anytime.

I am going to see a doctor later. So those who are staying in Seng Kang who is planing to see a doctor, do watch where you are walking. Do not step on my toes or else I will step in your bloody face. The best is go hougang polyclinics or go see the doctor tomorrow.

I was watching a show on animal planet called "whale war" and was kind of shock/ disappointed with all of those anti-whaling extremist. HELLO! if you are saying that the japanese was the one who are so call violent (bullet was shots and the extremist suspected its the japanese whaling boat) think who was the one who started the attack first. Who was the one who launched what "stinking bomb" what "slippery flour" on to the decks of the japanese boat. Who was the one who initiated such a violent act.

Some time I don't really understand those extremist mind. Especially those environmental freaks. For those who are against whaling, may be they just start asking people to eat vegetables as chicken is also a life. For those who say stop global warming all those crap right... shouldn't they stop taking airplane, don't even think of driving and may be they should start protesting against those who do not want nuclear power plant? Its kind of contradicting when you see people protest over environmental problem. If you say save the animal by turning vegetarian, aren't you competing foods with the herbivore who requires the vegetables for survival? And wouldn't it some how disrupt the food chain? In the end you are not giving your body sufficient nutrients (as not all nutrient can be found in plants) then you suffer from this and that then what will happen? Its always lots of uncertainty for every weird action you take.

What more their way of protest is also funny. Some people strip to their bare body just to ask people to turn vegetarian. Cute huh? Or simply just want to use this time to gain some spotlight for themselves. May be this is why lady gaga's meat suit she wore to VMA made some animal activist unhappy. Firstly, she is wear MEAT and secondly, she is not nude.

What a weird world.

Anyway what I type here/ mention here is simply just what i am thinking! So if I make someone who accidentally read my entry then I have to say TOOO BAD! That my PERSONAL opinions.

Will be going to see a doctor soon for my insomnia, headache and my dry eyes. The PMS boy is leaving the house soon. The warning siren is going to sound soon..... MUHAHA

it's you and me <3
10:43 PM

Sometime I just do not know why people just love say that they know you so well and they know more then what I have expect them to know about my life. It just kind of weird to hear/see this phrase. How well people do you exactly know about me?

Let me tell you what I know about myself. I have a very weird mood swing that come and go whenever they want. Not very often but my mood will change drastically. I love to go out but I must have the right mood before I will enjoy myself. Being forced to go out will never be an enjoying activity for me. I don't like to go out when I am totally broke. I don't really like to go out in the day as I simply just like to rest and chill at home before going out. I do not love to make decision and I love to change thing(s)/decision(s) at the very last minute as and when I like.

I don't like people to act super mature when they are not and I love to be myself whenever I can. Call me childish or what but I don't even give a fuck about it.I love to KAO BEI at the slightest thing that does not make me feel very comfortable to SEE, LISTEN, FEEL, EXECUTE... etc. I love to use crude language but I have no intention of scolding anyone unless the person had somehow provoke me.

I don't like to take bus/train as I don't like to squeeze with so many people. I also don't like to go crowded place as I don't like the feeling that someone is watching you even there isn't. I will normally either drive or take a cab whenever I want to go out. I am a mummy boy and I don't really like to stay out late as I normally want to sleep before 3 or 4. Another reason why I want to go home early is my mother will simply KP me non-stop and she will wait for me to go home before she will sleep. Think about you enjoying yourself happily while your mother wait for you at home... WILL YOU STILL ENJOY?

I don't like my life even if I am smiling everyday.

I don't like people to be sensitive even if I might be sensitive.

Whenever I made a sacrifice, I expect you to do so one day. If you don't then somehow I will start to have a different perspective of you. After all if you know me well, I love to condemn many people. This is why I made so many people don't like me as I will treat people differently especially those who I so called condemn.

So how many of the things I have stated is what exactly you know/expected? And this lists isn't all of it. So how well do you exactly know me?

it's you and me <3
12:56 AM

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

BORED! I am really sick of staying at home! My MC is extended for another week. Think by the end of MC I will kind of cherish slightly the time in camp.

For now, I need to cherish all the interesting program the cable TV is airing, at least it help me kill some time.

Went in to malaysia on last saturday and it was awesome. Love driving especially on those old road. Learn some skills from my dad too... especially overtaking some vehicle on a one-lane road, crossing a big HUMP on fast speed. So many things for me to learn before I will start driving into malaysia alone.

Went to Muar to pray first before going all the way to mallaca for my NONYA retreat! Sadly I can't eat much due to soft diet but at least I manage to eat like 50% of a bowl of NONYA curry noodle and 80% of a NONYA chendol which is topped with lots of GULA-MELAKA. After lunch, we went to do some marketing. Things there are kind of cheap. Cheaper then what you can find in Johor.

Wanted to drive all the way to IPOH for dinner before rushing back to Singapore but my dad don't want to take the risk as both my sister and I aren't really super experience. My dad suggested going Genting Highland but my mum didn't want as she say we didn't bring clothing up. May be next time we will be going to Genting Highland.

Drove all the way back to this small town call Ayer Hitam for dinner. It was a small run down shops which serve kind of superb food minus. It will be even better if the houseflies is being MINUS from our dinning table. The meal was cheap. i think 3 dish 1 soup, 3 plate of rice, 1 plate MUI FAN and 4 herbal tea cost only RM 59. Convert back to SGD will be just like $20+.

I simply just love this type of 1 day trip. Travel into malaysia, eat, see and go back home. What more I don't even have to spend a single cents as my parents are there to pay for it!

Went to see my surgeon on monday. She say my mouth aren't big enough! Wonder how long more before my mouth can open as wide as before. Most likely I will be able to remove a plastic piece from my teeth and i will be able to eat solid food then. I am hoping that I will be able to book in on monday or tuesday as i think there are quite some stuff for me to do.

Think I will eat Macdonald after removing the plastic piece. Talking about my teeth reminds me on my nightmare I had yesterday night. I dream that i got my front tooth drop out! I was like OMG what should I do. Luckily it is just a dream. If not I wonder how long more my braces still need to remain in my mouth just to close the mouth.

GTG and watch my show now.. CYA

it's you and me <3
1:21 AM

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BORED BORED BORED... Woke up when my sister left the house for work at 630. This means I am awake for more the 6 hours already. Luckily my MC ending tomorrow.

Will be going to malaysia on saturday and most likely will be back on the same day. Since I can't eat much... may be will will drink the gravy of the nonya laksa, eat the chendol which is lots of gula-malaka on it. YUM!

Most importantly I can get to drive. Its been so long since I drive a long journey. Love to drive to far destination but sadly can't smoke whenever I want. Its the best when I am driving on my own; smoke at any stop I want. Don't even think I get to chew chewing gum too.

Think the plan will be leaving the house at a super early timing, go to Muar and pray before heading down to malacca for lunch. Nothing much to shop there, may be get a few kueh kueh and come back. Dinner can go to Johor and eat sea food. May be I can eat small pieces of prawn, sting rays, chicken and porridge. Not that bad either since I am so bored at home and in Singapore.

If I am back on time.. may be will go drinking!!! Anyone want go???

As for Sunday... may be out for movie in the day/ night and go home and rest... I think that what I will do for this short weekend.

it's you and me <3
10:47 PM

LANTERN FESTIVAL and its going to rain! At least it make me feel happy! At least got more people to accompany me not enjoying today festival! Sounded evil right? But who cares? Lets not forget those of my camp mate who are in camp too!

Okay enough of being evil. Felt quite happy today for no reason. May be had a good night sleep and the weather is just cooling enough.

Numbness around my chin area some how seem to get slightly better. The area of numbness had shrink slightly too. Even if its just slightly its still better. May be its mental or because of the nerve exercise (don't get shock as there is really this exercise) or the medication is working for me.

MC will be ending on this friday and this means that I am able to go out! Go out and enjoy the city life, breath in the polluted city air but still have to eat super semi-solid food. May be will go out and catch a movie or what .... if not may be go and get a drink or something like that . 60 more hours! I will TAHAN!

Still in a debt. Now I know what exactly is the danger having credit card. My dad had already confiscated 3 card from me but somehow its still does not really work. I still owe him around $1 K i think. Last month had spend more then $1.5 K which is like hmmm 3 times the pay I am earning now. Its bad, very bad and super bad.

I think my room computer is kind of old already. Its slowing down day by day. May be a year later it might take a year to start up and 1 decade to shut down. Think of reformatting the computer but just lazy to re-install/re-transfer all the software/music.

Got to go now. HUNGRY...

it's you and me <3
1:04 AM

Monday, September 20, 2010

Receive an email on Facebook. Kind of weird to so call end a relationship via that way. I have long wanted and expected it but well may be as usual I don't have the courage to tell you.

You are too busy with work and I don't have kind of time restrictions as I am stay in camp on week days. Hope you will find someone who can better suits your hectic working schedules.

But guess what... Now I am back into single again... 1 more friend now. No commitment, more time and more space in my mind to think of other things.

Went for my medical appointment today. Eating solid food is still weeks away. May be 3 more weeks (faint!) but may be I am able to return back to camp soon. This 3 weeks I am bored to the max by staying at home, rotting, sleeping and eating. It just set me wondering how am I able to eat when I am back in camp... May be maggie bee hoon for breakfast and lunch, instant porridge for dinner!

Haven't totally recover completely yet as I can't really open my mouth as big as before. My dentist say I must be able to open to fit a burger. I will try to pry it open every day! Sadly I have temporary/ permanently lost my sensitivity to touch on my lower lip/chin area. Taking pills and doing nerve exercise to re-activate the feeling again. Just hope it will come back soon!

6 weeks after operation for the jaw bone/chin bone to stabilize, 6 months for the bone to grow back; in total, 7.5 month I am not be able to bite on any crab shell! And 7.5 month I must not get any slap/ punch from anyone. May be I should go to the doctor and get excuse being slap/punch. Who know it might come in handy.

Waiting for october/november to come. Had so many activity kind of arranged into that 2 month. Malaysia, malaysia with Spencer, Daryl, Jie Sheng they all may be with marshmallow as well! Dinner treat @ Pan Pacific from Hwee Zhen! Steam-boat with Marshmallow! My dad birthday! And best is may be my mum and dad is going to taiwan and this means that I am going to have FREEDOM!

Will be giving this years MOONCAKE festival a miss as I can't eat it. May be next year will be the revenge year.

Enjoy everyone!

it's you and me <3
12:50 AM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Finally the rubber band that bind my 2 jaw is out. Felt quite relieve that I am able to "tahan" the discomfort the rubber band had caused.

Remove the band a day earlier then expected as normally it will be there for 14 days after the surgery but mine was removed on the 13th day. Stitches was also removed that day. It was kind of painful that I almost cried. Especially the stitch at in between your nose and you front tooth, inside the lip. That was the worst.

Was expecting to be able to bite but the truth was otherwise. I still need to swallow my food. The difference is the state of the food. Now I am able to eat maggie, bee hoon but have to mash up till like baby food. Swallowing every mouthful is difficult and uncomfortable. Numbness at my lower lip made it worst as it get quite messy when the food flow out with out me feeling it. Hope the numbness will disappear soon.

No matter what, I ought to be thankful that the operation was successful and there isn't any scar(S) even it took super long!

All I have to do now is to exercise my mouth, allowing it to open wider (now I am able to open till a finger wide. May be soon I also have to practice/ exercise my tongue to make it more flexible..... (optional)!

MC will be ending soon. But doctor say that she will be extending my MC as I am still not able to eat. Camp food is consist of a plateful of rice! HOW am i able to swallow it?

Hope I am able to recover fast so that I am able to eat! Was planning to go malaysia with my family on the 25th of september but can't now as I am still not able to eat! Will be arranging another outing to malaysia with spencer, jie sheng they all to go to malaysia to eat seafood!

Before that, I will be planning a steamboat first. Craving for it. Lucky Phoebe was kind enough to volunteer to help me plan! Thank YOU girl!

May be I will be adding korean BBQ to the list too. Had been seeing alot of shows recommending korean BBQ.YUM YUM!

it's you and me <3
10:47 PM

Sunday, September 5, 2010

After so many days after resting at home, I decide to go type an entry on my blog to vent my boredom to the virtual world! I am so so bored. Can't go out as I am att C and I wouldn't even go out with such a swollen face.

Today is already 6 days after my surgery and luckily my face start to grew abit smaller then what it look like 6 days ago. Surgery was quite successful even thought that it took a whole long 11 hours instead of the estimated 5-6 hours due to my surgeon wanted to get the most accurate mid-line for my chin. Heard from my surgeons that they change the position of my chin for more then 5 time before they decide to fix it to its current position now.

It was my first time entering the operating theatre and undergoing general anesthetic. The theatre was almost like those in drama but just that there are special computers. The scary part was 5 doctors, 7 nurses start tying you to the operation theatre even before they administer the general anesthetic. Some how it was like how they are going to dissect a human alive! Luckily they administer the general anesthetic shortly after they finally decided on what size of tube they are going to use. It kind of freak me out when you hear the doctor still discussing about the size the tube they are going to use, what worst was that they don't even know that there isn't the tube of the size carried in the hospital.

The doctor didn't even ask me to count. All they do is ask me breath, breath and breath. After like 5 deep breath, my ear became blocked and next moment, I am into my coma. Woke up at 8 pm, didn't really have much recollection to it but all i know I was super pissed, super uncomfortable. Felt like peeing but it wasn't as there was a super long tube already being stuff up my dick which will drain out the pee. My leg was super cramp, I am feeling as if I was burning and my parent telling me that my operation was longer than estimated.

Woke up at 11 pm at and didn't really sleep much after that as the temperature of the room (the air con was already set at 18 Degree Celsius) was still too warm for me.In the end, the nurse was kind enough to get me a stand fan, blowing directly at me just to keep myself cool. My 3 surgeon came at around 8 am and told me about my surgery and arranged the nurse for me to see one of the surgeon at the dental clinic at around 830.

On the way to the dental clinic I manage to see my swollen face. It was so terrible and super ugly if I really have to use the word. Its like 2 time of my normal face, lips were swollen like sausages and my chin was wrap up. I was SHOCKED!

After the consultation, the surgeon/dentist told me that I am able to leave ICU and transfer to normal ward. The new ward was the worst ward of the 3 days there which I asked my surgeon whether I am able to discharge on the day itself.

Kind of happy with quite a number of people turn up to pay me a visit. Really apologized to those who came during my surgery and wasn't able to visit me as I still had a knife stuck in my mouth! Nicholas came to see me for like 2 days out of 3 days. I was super touched by him as he was the one who made my second last meal before surgery interesting. He bought me onion rings from BK to add on to the hospital food!

Now my mouth is totally sealed and not being able to speak and eat(bite). Really felt quite bad especially seeing my mum super worried after my surgery. Cooking soup everyday, draining out all the pulps from all the juices i wanted to drink, trying to remind me not to blow my nose .etc. My dad also became even more busy too. Trying to help my mum to buy all those stuff she needs....

Next appointment will be on the 13th september at 230pm. Hope I will be able to remove the rubber band by then. If the surgeon really does it.... it means I am able to eat!!!!

it's you and me <3
8:47 PM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



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