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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Feel so uncomfortable with so many off days within 1 week. But at least it allows me to have a good time sleeping, to pay back all the sleeping hours I have lost during those days that I need to wake up early. 

2 more days and I will be at Taiwan. I don't feel like going Taiwan now. I just want to go to somewhere cooling and quiet, suitable for me to isolate myself from rest of everything. Tired and bored of everything now. There is something that is bothering deep in me which I am not even sure what was the "something". 

Will be working tomorrow at Scott in the morning before I go home and have a good rest. Will be taking the morning flight on thursday, 4 hours earlier then my sister. I will be back on the 28th. 5 days of enjoyment/suffer. 

it's you and me <3
11:31 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another off day today! 5 more days to Taiwan and 1 month to my cousin wedding! This is the 2 things that I am looking forward at this very moment. Because of the trip, I won't be able to attend Victoria Birthday at St James. Happy birthday in advance!

Today finally I get to rest after working 2 days of full shift and another day of 3-11 shift for the Singtel-Tangs private event. 2 days of full shift was horrible as I was alone at the counter rotting for the full 12 hour. The second day was better as Lyn came down and got some one to talk to. Yesterday I worked the 3-11 shift which was horrible. The whole event was a failure. Not much response and no buying power. 

Will be going to have a K-box gathering with marshmallow at Kalllang. It seem like we always K at Kallang. Thanks to Sheng Long, the room had been booked and all the necessary arrangement had been done by his girlfriend. 

Haven't been feeling so well for this few days. Emotional unstable? Or just tired. Everything seem to be uncertain. It does not seem to be here nor there. It just seem superficial. 

July will be a busy month for me. Going for a launch at CK Tang orchard for 1 week and may be going to Takashimaya to continue the launch. Will be attending wedding on the 12 and 18. Lyn's birthday party on the first week of the month. 

it's you and me <3
10:04 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Finally I got the mood to blog again! Won't be sleep so early today as I am on PM shift tomorrow. Wasn't in a mood to work today as I just want to stone. Didn't sleep long enough the night before as I was at Linda's birthday party. Initially I felt slightly out of place but until a while, I am enjoying. Caslyn was the best as she made the whole pub became a club by playing songs which we always hear at Powerhouse. "Nobody" was nice too! 

Trying to think of an excuse to tell my mum in order to go partying this saturday again! Sadly I won't be able to stay till quite late as I am working morning shift the very next day. Will be helping out at my teacher's wedding after work. Rehearsal will start at 5pm so I will have to leave work an hour earlier to make my way down to Fullerton hotel. 

Sales isn't that good for this few days. Is it because of the recent sales at Prada, Gucci and other high end boutique which cause all the rest of the customer to have less spending power? BORED

My dad was weird when he ask me not to smoke when I board the car. I think they suspected that I smoke. FREAK! No motivation and determination to quit smoking now. Last monday I tried not to smoke but in the end, I am still being pulled to accompany people to smoke and I was being force to smoke. SO the plan FAILED! 

Will try again next time!

it's you and me <3
8:32 AM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yesterday was FUN! Been some time i party till so late and for long hours. 5 1/2 hour spend there. Christopher was there after he put us airplane for twice. 

Today is my off day again. I wound be working so much for this particular month since I don't need to work 6 days a week. Quite bored to stay at home rotting on my off day. My next off day will be on the 9th. Tomorrow will be working morning shift at Centrepoint. Most likely I will be going to watch movie after work! 

Got to go now! 

it's you and me <3
6:01 AM

Friday, June 5, 2009

Suppose to meet Jie Sheng to help him on his PED and to attend a so call reunion dinner at Newton but both were cancelled! This mean that I will just rest at home, rotting every second of my time. Will be going Tampinese Bakerzin to get for my sister a cake as today is her birthday! Love the taste and texture of its New York Cheese Cake. Internet order seem cheaper then going there to purchase but too bad I didn't order it 2 days ago. 

Tomorrow will be working morning shift instead of afternoon as my colleague is afraid that she will be on mc tomorrow as she isn't feeling that well. I hope she won't be on MC so that I can go home and change before going out later in the night. Most likely I will be meeting my friend for dinner before we head down to St james together. 

Yesterday work was HELL! Gifts and stock were send down to the counter when I am working full alone. Pack and tagged all the stock from 11am till 6pm as there were simply too many stock received. Sales wasn't that fantastic but target was BIG in figure. Poor me have to do all the work and bear the fucking sky high target when there isn't any promotion or any attractive gift! What ever it is, I won't have to worry about 65% this month as I won't be able to work the full 26 days as I am going to Taiwan! Not really exactly looking forward for the trip as I isn't in much traveling mood now but looking forward to que at every stall to buy their taiwan snacks and delicacy. Leaving on the 24th and be back on the 29th of this month. 

Received a message from my Secondary School Physic teacher asking me to help out with her wedding as a sound person. And of course, I accept the work and I will get my buddy Aaron to accompany me! Haven't met him for quite sometime as both of us seem to be quite busy and don't really have much time to meet despite the fact that we just separated by just few blocks of flat and a school only. The wedding will be held at Fullerton Hotel and that will be my first time visiting Fullerton Hotel! It will be great to be helper for event again, its been so long since I was an helper for any event ever since I left Multi-media and Poly stage Production. 9 more days to go! Anyway, CONGRATULATION to my physic teacher! 

I will be looking forward for my cousin wedding which will be held next month at M Hotel. It will be more enjoyable as everyone is close with each other as compared to my father's side cousin. Wonder what duty will my cousin ask me to do. And for her wedding, I have gotten myself a new pair of shoe for both work and her wedding. Now I am planning on what I should wear to her wedding. 

Will be playing BEJEWEL on facebook now, see ya!

it's you and me <3
1:34 AM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Back to square, I am single again. Last time the person who encourage me to break up was Irene Leong and this time my dear Ying Ting encourage me! Anyway, I just don't feel like talking about it anyway.

I am waiting for Saturday!!!! I want to go and enjoy myself till I am super high enough before i go back home! Every time I have to go home early as my mum is waiting for me to reach home before she can sleep peacefully but not this saturday as i told her that I am going for a chalet!!! Hope it will be fun! 

But before saturday arrive, I have to work on thursday, friday and saturday before i can enjoy. Tomorrow I will be working full shift at Vivo as all the full timer will be going to bird park to do some charity work. Friday I will have my off day but I will be meeting Jie Sheng to help him on his PED before attending a dinner gathering at Newton circle. Last but not least, I will be working on saturday before I can enjoy myself at night. LIFELESS!

Thinking that I have to work full shift will be HELL! Vivo is no longer as fun as before, my god-sister is now at Centrepoint while Ying Ting is now at Takashimaya. Just pray hard that Arial and Debbie is working tomorrow. Will be going for my dental during my dinner break just to get my braces done. Wonder what color should change it to. 

Have to rest early for tomorrow. Faint!

it's you and me <3
8:53 AM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
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August 2010
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March 2011
April 2011


Believe me - Dima Bilan