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Sunday, May 24, 2009

I really have to say that I am really sorry for what I have mention. I am really totally not sensitive enough. I know I can't do anything to take back what I have mention to make you feel better. But I will definitely keep my promise I had given you just now. I really hope you can forgive me for what I have done to you.

It defnitely something I have learnt, hours before my birthday. Had lots of misunderstanding and friction between me and my mother. I will definitely try my best to be a good boy for this few days, be home early and not to do anything to upset her.

Many things had happen within this 19th year of my life and this lead to many thing I have learnt. The best thing will definitely be completion of my diploma, gotten my driving license, getting acceptance into the course I wanted for my degree education and the friends I have made during this year.

At this moment, I don't really have much mood to blog about what I have done this dew days.

it's you and me <3
7:19 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009

Left Raffles City at 6.20 pm after a long long battle with physical exhaustion of my body. Sales wasn't fantastic  as there is hardly any crowd at the store after the sales. I realize that Singaporean really think $5 is a super big sum of money as those 2 days with the $5 voucher, the que was super long till customer might have to que for about 20 minute before they can make the payment. And without the $5 voucher, the que became so short till customer can pay for all their merchandise within split second. Only open $700 for today. The lowest amount the 3 day. Tomorrow will be weekend so I hope that the sales will be GOOD! 

Will be working morning tomorrow as Irene is working tomorrow too! Will be quite fun as we can talk rubbish to kill the time. But Ah leong, I really think you mistaken something. I went to serve the customer not because I wanted to snatch from Irene Sumathi but the thing is that she does not seem to be ready to serve. After all this is a promotion. Whoever see the customer will serve first right? I thought that what everybody does as well. There is something you missed out which had happen yesterday which made me don't feel like asking her to serve. I know you want to tell me that I am just a part timer so why should I be so aggressive. I am trying my best to hit 65% just like everyone does. Ana is also monitoring my sales too. I hope you are not being pissed off by what I have mention cause I just want to let you know how I feel. 

Anyway, yesterday we had a cocktail party over at the counter. The target was $20,000 for 2 hours. The turn out was good but the people just left after they had their snacks and gotten their door gift. Caslyn was there too! Quite surprise to see her there. Didn't talk much with her as everyone is busy with the rest of the customer. I was curious about what she talk to Celine/Sharon. She haven't got back to me yet! 

Dear really sorry that this few days I am quite cold to you as I am quite busy at work and I have been going to work hours before my shift start just to hit my target. Once this promotion end I will be back to normal can. Hope you will forgive me! 

Today is Sheng Long birthdaY!!! Happy birthday to you BRO! Sadly we can't celebrate with him as he is in Hong Kong with 2 girls! So lucky. Hope he had a good day and year! As his birthday is 10 days a head of mine, mine will be here in 10 days time!!! 

it's you and me <3
7:42 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Now at the counter feeling very angry! The so called permanent part time scheme just increase my commission just like the full timer. But the catch is that I have to work 6 days a week and if I don't hit 65% of my overall sales, my commission will be flat till 1%. That mean that it will be even lesser then what I am suppose to get when I got my 1%,1.5% commission scheme. I will be doing my 5 days promotion at Raffles City which I think I will bear a Sky High target which will make my overall target super high, making it almost impossible to achieve 65%

The basic pay for the permanent part time is $1000 and this means that I will be earning less then $6 per hour. So the HR says that I should remain my $6 per hour which is more worth it. Damn IT! After 2 years with the company and there isn't any pay increment.

Other company would still increase their part-timer pay after certain period of service. But not loreal! Now I know what Loreal is a Big company!

Will try to send out my resume soon. May be I will try admin jobs or other brand. BORED!

it's you and me <3
2:40 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just applied my passport online. Unlike other government website, ICA is far more user friendly and easier to use then I have expected it to be. My dad forced me to apply my passport in-front of him as he want to make sure I don't delay the process. He is planning for a family trip to Taiwan. My mum seem quite interested in it too. Just hope she don't withdraw from the trip at the very last minute. 

My dad plan to go during the Mid/End of June and this might make my dear Irene Leong angry as I am afraid that I might have to cancel a few days at Isetan Scott but it is not confirm yet!. Everyone says that Taiwan is fun so hope I am able to enjoy it. Just afraid that the plan is cancelled last minute just like it had happen a few time. 

Going to work now. CYA!

it's you and me <3
9:45 PM

Today is the 11/5, 1 day after mother day and my family decide to shift our celebration for yesterday to today as I was working till late yesterday. 

Apart from mother's day celebration, we can also celebrate my graduation! Finally, I graduated from my 3 years in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, getting a diploma in Chemical Bio-molecular Engineering! just received my certificate during the graduation ceremony held in the early part of today. Felt so weird, walking onto the stage, shaking the hand of the Director who I don't even really know who is she. Didn't had any food at the foyer as I was busy camwhoring with my classmates, my dear and darling. Will be uploading those pictures up on facebook once I have collected my photo from all my different sources. 

Went straight home after the ceremony as I don't want to disappoint my mum again despite knowing that she is prepared to have this dinner postpone again. Was about to order Pizza when my mum suddenly feel like going to Changi Village to eat bbq Stingray. So now i am letting my queen to plan her dinner while I need to plan my birthday dinner with Jie Sheng, Spencer and Daryl soon as they are rushing me to do so! Will be planning one with Marshmallow for dinner once Sheng Long return back to Singapore from Hong Kong without contacting Swine FLU! 

it's you and me <3
2:53 AM

Saturday, May 9, 2009

7 minutes before the store close. What a day for me. Super busy for the last 2 hour till I have no time to go to the toilet to pee. Feeling quite sian now as I think I will have to wait for Caslyn till 11 before she will reach Power House. She promise me that she will leave the house once she finish her make-up. From my understanding, I think she will need another 1 hour before she will be satisfied with her makeup.

Sales is quite okay today. Bad in the afternoon but it picked up later in the evening. Had quite an early dinner and I am feeling hungry now. Think I will get something to munch while waiting for her. If not, I will be drunk easily.

Today my dear DAO me the whole day! Didn't even bother to drop me a sms or give me a phone call. Wonder what happen to her. Called her and we talk only less then 2 minutes before we ended the conversation as she is having her dinner. Just hope everything is fine for her!

Tomorrow will be working afternoon shift at centrepoint. Hope the sales will be good as normally sunday morning is the best. Sales at Centrepoint is getting from bad to worst and it seem impossible to hit the daily target.

Wonder when celine will get back to me about my pay scheme. Hope i am able to get the scheme as the pay and commission rate will be higher. Praying!!

Got to go now as the store is closing now!

it's you and me <3
6:53 AM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finally my off day had arrived. It was suppose to be good 2 days of off day but decided to take up tomorrow work at Takashimaya. For the few days, I don't really want to be at home. Had a small misunderstanding with my mum yet my mum blew the whole issue up.

I was home slightly later as I accompany one of my friend for coffee as she is pretty stressed up with her marriage planning. Once I reach home, my mum was complaining that she is feeling warm and want to bath earlier. Out of good will, i told my mum that I don't want to eat the food she had left for me as it well help to speed things up so that she can bath. She started scolding me that I should have inform her that I don't want to eat and she won't have to keep those food more me. She was so angry that she say she is not going to leave any food for my anymore. So she started scolding till I fall asleep. Just because I want my mum to bath earlier, I was hungry the whole night. Don't even dare to let my face to appear in the kitchen before my mum start to nag again. 

Went out of the house the first thing in the morning just before my mum wake up and start to nag. Went to my friend house to get his com fixed. $15 spend on the cab. Damn. Went to meet my dear at Causeway point for a movie and a meal. Before the movie start, we went to Timezone and played. Car racing and table air hockey. Its been some time since I enter arcade. Went to watch fast and furious 4 despite knowing that its been out for sometime. Super nice show as the driving stunt was superb. Wonder how long will it take before I can drive up to their standard. Went home after a very full lunch. Now I am feeling sleepy in-front of the computer. 

Graduation will be on the 11th of May and I hope i can remember to bring my camera to take picture. Most likely I will just appear my face into other people camera and ask them to tag me on face book.... Haha.

it's you and me <3
2:36 AM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another day of working before my good 2 days of rest! Another boring day with not much customer who is willing to buy yet willing to waste my time. Just serve a BAO who buy without knowing the price and when she saw the total price at the cashier, she was like shocked and don't want to buy those products anymore. To all the customer, PLEASE CHECK YOUR WALLET/PURSE BEFORE COMING OUT TO SHOP! YOUR INCONSIDERATE ACTION WILL BRING LOTS OF INCONVENIENCE TO ALL THE SALES STAFF!

Vivo seem to be a very popular place for filming. Another shooting take place again at vivo, not mediacorp, not hollywood but bollywood. No coconut tree, no large group of dancer dancing, no Saree, no curry and so many thing is missing.... Just 2 scene at vivo they also want. Waste money for transportation, waste the time of security and waste the time of me! All the people looking at the shoot and forget about wanting to get their product!

Feeling hungry now. Waiting for my friend's counter manager to come back from office before we can go and have our dinner together. Wonder what I should eat later. Need to go to the ATM to withdraw money from the wall as I don't have any single note left in my wallet. I think the coins I have in my pocket can't even pay for a decent meal. $0.40 is what I left with. Can't even eat a MacDonald Ice Cream Cone. Should have ask the bollywood staff whether there is enough extras in the shoot. May be I am able to get a job as the extra for the movie shoot. Rupies is also accepted now.

Hungry, Bored and Tired now. To those who is free, please come vivo and find me! I will be here from 2-10!

it's you and me <3
1:07 AM

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rotting at my counter now. Lucky that the office staff have not block the internet access yet.

Have been thinking recently about my birthday celebration. Should I or should I not. Anthea won't be in town to celebrate. So many things to consider. The main issue will definitely be the cost. Haven't have much money to spare to have a party to accomodate all my friends. Secondly not all my friend love to party! May be I will just meet up to have a decent meal will do. At least everyone still need to eat right?

Feeling very tired recently have i realise that I have been working for more then 16 days non-stop. Tomorrow I will be at vivo and hope the sales will be better as haven't open much bills recently. I was looking forward for this coming promotion at Robinson's lancome counter as they are going to have a BIG BIG promotion. I was trying to get customer to come back to me at Centrepoint during the promotion so that I can have better sales during the promotion. 1 of my colleague called me informing me about the change in roster which made me kind of PISSED! I will be doing the promotion at Raffles City instead of Centrepoint. All the effort of giving customer my so called name card and asking customer to look for me at Centrepoint during the promotion is all wasted.

Went to office in the afternoon to submit the counter paperwork and to talk to the HR manager about my pay issue. Kind of dissapointed in Loreal as they don't have the policy to increase their part timer pay after certain month/year of service. Have been thinking of changing company which is able to offer me higher pay. After all I will be working for another 4 more month and after that I will be serving the nation. Admin job will be nice. I haven't tried working in the office before and it will be a change in environment. The next alternative will be Chanel as I understand that they are looking for part-timer. They pay their part-timer without experience at around $6.50/hour which is $0.50 more then what I am getting.

Stressed and bored. I am feeling super warm now. The heat emitted from all the spot lighs and visual pannel are making me having a big headach! 1.5 hour before knock off!

it's you and me <3
5:31 AM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011


Believe me - Dima Bilan