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Friday, February 27, 2009

Waiting for my parent to be back home with my supper for me to fill my hungry stomach. In a better mood today and don't really know why. And I think that Parkway is really a ULU place with hardly any customer. But felt quite nice going back to the first counter which i station when I join Lancome. 

Sales wasn't that good but manage to maintain the 65% and now I am praying very hard that tomorrow sales will not jeopardize my whole month sales target. Tomorrow I will be on morning shift which will require me to force myself to wake up early despite the fact that i will be sleeping quite late tonight. 

Will be going out tomorrow but not sure where to go. So I will be thinking the whole day of which place in Singapore will not bored me! 

To Jie Si: Hmm.. don't have any urge to go drinking tonight. I think my urge is coming and i definitely will ask you okay? One day we go your sister work place to drink okay? 

Hmm.. my supper is in... GTG! 

it's you and me <3
7:10 AM

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Finally, the day have come. Today marks the end of my 3 year poly life if I never fail any module! Should be okay for all the module... I HOPE! 

Went out for a K-session Jia Jun, Sheng Long, Chun Rong, Alex, Stella and Fang Yi. Had a super fun time singing and taking photos. 

Feeling kind of tired now as I woke up at 430 am to study which I spend almost half of the time preparing a GOOD breakfast for my sister. 

Spencer, hope you are practicing for you last paper tomorrow okay. Everything will be fine, everyone will graduate together okay? 

Not really in the mood to blog now. Tomorrow and the day after I will be working at Parkway as one of colleague have urgent matter to settle. Hope the sales will be good and will not pull down my overall sales percentage. Will be a super hectic month for me next month but i will definitely find time for my dear okay? I have the evening after my morning shift and some off days in the month. 

Anyway, I know AE is me!

it's you and me <3
6:11 AM

Monday, February 23, 2009

2 more paper to go and i will be free! Today paper was okay but sadly i have wasted a couples of marks due to the fact that I am super lazy to study for the exam. Flip the lecture notes for several time before I tell myself that i will study in the morning. As usual, I stone in front of lecture notes while the bus send me to hell. 

Love the weather now, raining and chilling. It means that i will be on my way to sleep in a short while. Just finish surfing the internet and I am wondering what can I do till evening apart from sleeping. Most likely I will be meeting Daryl tonight to revise UOP with him for 1 hour before I will rush back to school to fetch my sister. Hope it won't rain tonight as I hate to drive on raining day. Haven't really experience it before and I really don't wish to experience it. 

Wanted to have lunch with my dear but she turn me down as she want to go home!! SAD!! Most likely I will meet her in the morning at her house and study UOP if she don't stay up late tonight. She always complain that I stress her up when I study with her as I study slightly faster then her.... Dear... tomorrow I will study word by word okay?! Haha.. Since tomorrow paper is in the afternoon, this means that i can sleep late tonight. Haven't been sleeping well for this few days. My air-con seem to be getting cranking as it turn super cold at night despite the temperature set was around 24 degree Celsius. Previously I sleep in a 18 degree Celsius condition and i don't feel cold at all. This show that my age is catching up.... I am OLD!

Hope the weather will be just so great (minus the rain, just the chill) and I will be in a super good mood to slack! After exam i shall start to jog when ever i can. Last time I jog was last month. 

Feel like going St James on friday... ANYONE?!

it's you and me <3
10:48 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

1 paper is down, 3 more to go! The paper which i feared the most is over and the now do not even feel any examination mood at all. Will be resting till for another 1 hour till 3pm before I will leave my room and wait patiently for the repair man to repair the television. Hope they will just change a BRAND NEW set for us as this particular piece is not really durable. 

I am really bankrupt now. Will be nice if anyone can recommend me the fastest way to grow my money I have. Think next month will be a bad month for me as i will be working for more then 20 days with just $30 (most likely) after I pay my bills. $1 a day? Can't even buy a piece of bread from Bread Talk. May be I will just buy a load of white bread and put it at the counter which I think it can last me for 4 days. Will force myself to drink as much water to make the bread expand to keep myself full. GOOD IDEA! If not, i won't be accompany my colleagues for lunch as I will pack my own food to work. Next month will be a extreme challenging month for me. The month after will be as bad too as the pay i receive next month is barely more then $200. 

D&D/Prom night/ whatever ball will be held next thursday. Hope it will be fun. Less then 120 students inside the convention hall, trying to feel high without the aid to alcohol and dance. Butter factory DJ will be there too. I am not sure what time will the event start and hence I couldn't plan my whole day! May be I will spend my time eating and drinking all the MOCKtail which Jie Sheng will mix for us. 

Craving for Japanese food and Tim Sum now!! HOW?!! Just had a packet of duck rice less then 1 hour ago and i am feeling super hungry again. What more my dad had asked the person to add more rice for me to eat. May be my previous life was a cow and this result in having another 3 stomach in me which seem never ever filled. 

Was listen to Power 98 and there was this interesting poll on why girl prefer bad guys instead of nice guys. Wonder what does all the girls think... Tell me okay?! I am so interested in the reason. Poor me... the NICE guy..... 

I think I am going for my nap now! Good night. 

it's you and me <3
9:49 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I was at the Airport for the whole night, studying for my coming exams. Revised 2 major modules which is the heaviest in content. Totally exhausted by the time I reached home. Went to my friend house to collect some stuff which my mum have wanted. Will have to go back to my friend house 1 more time as I left my RING there. Irritating! After collecting the stuff, I took cab home as I just want to sleep from the very moment I step out of my friend house.

Slept at 130 and woke up at 430, 3 hours of sleep to pay back the sleeping debt which i owe my body! Start to feel the floating feeling now, may be because the 3 hours of sleep wasn't sufficient enough. I think I would be awake until 11 am tomorrow. Need the energy to burn the final bit of mid night oil for PCon which will be tested on the very monday. I will feel super tired and bored until this thursday. i will see the joyous life once I step out of the exam hall once I submitted my very last F**King paper of NP!

My tv is SPOILT!!! Won't be glued to the chair now as no television program i can watch. This is the second time within 1 year the TV got problem. Dad will be calling the repairman first thing on monday as He can't live without his TV!

Picture we have taken YESTERDAY!

it's you and me <3
4:09 AM

Thursday, February 19, 2009

24 hour a day seem not to be enough for me as I always wish to have more time so that I can spend more time to relax as well as study. Not in the mood to study recently. Don't think I am going to study till tonight. Meeting spencer to study at the airport for the whole NIGHT so I am reserving my energy for tonight mugging session.

Finally send out my documents to NUS and hope it will be just on time for the deadline. Paid the application of $10 for both University today. Hope both will offer me the first choice so I can really choose. Realize that I didn't apply for SMU despite they have engineering courses too. Praying hard that I am able to get into chemical engineering, if not may be mechanical would be good too.

Yesterday was BURNT as I was down for an enlistment appointment at NDU. Spent a total of 13 hour at Sembawang which was 5 hours more that I have expected. 3 hour of phycology test, followed by physical test (Chin Up, Standing Broad-Jump and Swimming), lunch, medical check up, interview and a Dive Pressure test! The diving test was super interesting as all you have to do is to seat in a pressurize capsule which they will pressurize to the pressure of about 10m below sea level. The pressurizing part was terrible as your ear start to block and you have to keep clearing the blockage by this method Valsalva manoeuvre. Kind of hoping that i would be enlisted in NDU instead of the rest as i want to be enlisted later so that i can attend my cousin wedding and NDU seem to be fun. Training is tough and i don't think that the units' training would be easy either. Praying hard now!

Damn Damn... exam is coming in less then 4 days time and I am not even working hard. I am just looking forward to the day 26th as that would be the very last day of the exam. Would like to spend the very day with my dear as i think that I haven't been really meeting my dear recently.

And DAMN the stupid exam. If not because the fact that exam is coming, I would have gone drinking tonight with Jie Si. Next month will be a month full of activities. Activity such as working and working. Will be working almost 25 days for the whole March. Haven't confirm the exact number of date yet.

Dear I hope you aren't thinking too much okay. If anything you can just tell me straight okay. hate to see you so moody. You better JIA YOU in studying for your exam okay...

it's you and me <3
10:54 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am not sure what exactly have happen to me. I have frequent chest pain and I am always short of breath. Wonder what have happen to me and hope it to be nothing serious. Still want to enjoy life to the fullest!!!

Went to school to study PCon with my Dear and was surprise to meet Spencer who was in school at the time. Felt very tired as I slept very late on monday night and didn't even went to dear's house to accompany her to go to school despite it told her that i would meet her in the morning and accompany her to school. Submit my PCon tutorials which I have owe my lecturer and finish 1 PCon past year paper. PCon is a subject which only genius can understand. Lots of question marks surfaced in my mind when I try to understand the question. Lucky my dear was there to teach me. Gotten my friends working for reference which would be exceptionally helpful with my revision. Wanted to study more at night with Daryl and Spencer but end up rotting together.

Send my dear home before I head down to town window shop with Spencer who was waiting for his friend. Stuck at town for a couple of hours, visited several department stores which made us conclude the trip a total waste as we didn't have any budget to purchase anything on the very day. Finally, spencer friend finally arrived and we proceed to Cine for our dinner. Had korean food again!!!

Initially we didn't plan to go CU but as Daryl and Jie Sheng were already at CU, the 3 of us (Spencer, Spencer's friend and me) went down to join them. As the finalized planing does not include the visit to CU, I didn't ask Jie Si to come along. It will be too last minute to ask her come as it was almost 9 when we reach CU. Next month okay?! Went there to drink and chat till 12 am before we proceed back to Bishan for our supper. It seem that when ever we meet up to study, i will always had a bit of alcohol in my blood steam.

Black pepper crab were what we had for supper. 2 BIG female crab with a plentiful amount of eggs which I don't really eat. Super filling and NICE!!! Went to daryl's house to play carram before we finally settled down to study. Revise the past year
for awhile before i decided to rot. Played scrabble and it think it is a adult theme scrabble. Words like "slut", "moan" appears on the board. Left for home at around 6.30 am and reached home at around 7.15. Bath and sleep till 1.30 pm. Todays weather is just so warm and it result in a super not conducive temperature/condition to study and hence today is a self declared holiday for me. Wonder how will be tomorrows interview. Having second thoughts and mixed feeling on tomorrow interview.

Will be missing my class' oversea trip to Genting due to my dad's job instability. $150 is going to make a big difference in tough time right? Haven't been utilizing my credit card for sometime as i just want to incur a bigger debt. This month pay won't event last me for long time as I will have to use large sum of it to pay for my bills. Alvin is POOR! But I won't be too poor for supper right? Haha

it's you and me <3
11:29 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009

Didn't do much thing today. Should have gone pubbing with irene. Took half of the day to print my exam paper, tutorial and exam result slips for the university application. Watch those CLASSIC CHINESE movies with my dad for almost 2-3 hours before I start stoning in my room. Didn't touch any of my lecture notes except the time my dear ask me to check the answer for a tutorial question which I didn't do.

Just don't have the mood to study today. The weather is just to warm and humid. Wanted to study in my room and keep myself cool by blasting the air-con. Instead of studying, I was face-booking the whole damn afternoon. Felt very confuse and down in the whole day. Many things had happen today. Felt so sad that few of my friends had bad relationship problem. Hope all of you all will be able to sail through the problem. Cheer up okay! It feel very bad to see you all suffer.

it's you and me <3
4:48 AM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The time now is 6.13 am and i am awake. Not sure why I had spring out of the bed as I didn't really had much sleep yesterday. Put down the phone at around 1 am but i slept at 4 plus as I just wasn't unable to sleep despite the fact that I am super tired. In less then 2 hours, I am awake again. Hope I can sleep back again.

Firstly, I would like to apologies to you. I know you won't read my blog but it is not easy to apologies to you in person. I am not sure whether we were part of the reason which made you want to quit but no matter what, i think we had part to it. I am really sorry to have lied to you despite knowing that you hate people to lie to you. I really hope that you will understand my situation too. It is not easy to turn down any one who had worked longer then I do. I was placed in a difficult situation as well. I know it was you birthday that it happen which I believed that it had spoiled you birthday mood. It seem there is not much you saying anything now except i am sorry and really hope that you won't leave us.

Read Phoebe's blog and realized that something is SO wrong. Felt really sad that it had ended. Its a relationship which I think one of them just can't commit. I am even more disappointed in her. Girl, friendship is definitely for life as there is never an expiry date to it so I really hope that you won't mention that you going to leave us again okay. I really hope that you can cope it well now, we are always there for you and when you need someone to talk to, feel free to call me okay. Give him sometime to sort his feeling as well okay and I think he had all his feeling mixed up. As for the promise I had made, we can fulfill one day, may be not because of the breakup but just to chill okay? My treat!

Now is Spencer's turn. As your friend/brother/smoking-buddy/drinking-buddy/K-buddy I am somehow worried for you. I really wish that you would think again before you make any decision. I am not against the ideal of going drinking but the reason why you want to open a bottle of liquor. I am not sure why you initially wanted to finish it within one night. You don't have much thing left in your bank account and you aren't working. Please think twice before spending much okay. Don't really want you to be stressed up over your financial situation again. You know that its tough to pay back all the bills/debt that you have choke up right? Hope you will really think twice in doing any decision/transaction okay?

Feeling slightly better today. Wasn't feeling that well for the past 2 day. My stomach seem to be in bad shape now. Just before Victoria (Part-Timer) left the counter, i rushed to the toilet for 2 way excretion. Shitted and vomited. IT FEEL SO BAD especially you can't leave the counter for a rest. Kept hydrating myself by drinking water and had 2 Panadol. Felt so terrible that i thought i am going to faint. But made it worst was that customers still take a long time to choose/consider before buying/PAOing. SAD. Felt kind of happy received my dear message just before i knock off.

Will be trying my luck to go to sleep now.

And to phoebe, please call me when you read this entry okay?

it's you and me <3
2:40 PM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Woke up at 12nn after a good 10 hours of beauty sleep which made me felt so fresh now. 1 week of to study before I will start my exam. Penning down the answer on the paper which will seal my fate! Wanted to revise a few chapters of any module BUT I am not in the mood to study!!!!!

Spencer woke me up at 9, suggesting that we meet up after he finish his re-test. He called again at 1030 and I was still asleep. I think he was patient enough to talk to a dead log like me who simply give me "hmmm" for reply. Wanted to meet them but also want to study. DILEMMA, dilemma, DILEMMA..... Think will meet them after I flip a few page of my lecture notes! Feel like going CU tonight as tomorrow i will be down for afternoon shift! 3-11pm shift @ Centre-point. It will be nice if someone will come down and visit the poor me who will be suffering with all the other colleagues of mine once the clock strike 10 pm. The sales floor will be deserted as almost customer is gone, leaving all the sales assistance looking each other to pass time.

After typing 2 paragraph, i am feeling tired again. Think i am going back to sleep in in a moment time unless I am going out soon. May be my stomach is digesting the filling breakfast cum lunch which my dad has bought for us! A bowl of pork congee and a packet of carrot cake! Like to eat congee as it is light and requires no strength to chew the rice bits as it can be swallowed straight.

Should I leave the house now or later???? Feeling very bored at home now.

O ya... Lucky that I got Silver in Napfa as the duration of the Pre-BMT thing for those who got bronze and below is being DOUBLED! BORING! Going NDU for the interview this thursday and my leg is still not well!!! Going to consult the doctor real soon!

Now I am waiting patiently for our dear Jia Jun to post our class-graduation photo up on facebook!

Any idea where whether Singapore have a Lady Finger plantation which able to supply endless Lady finger for my dear to eat? I think she can survive on Lady Finger for all her 3 meals. She is RARE! She is the first person I know who loves to eat Lady Finger! hate the salivary mucus/saliva/sap/thingy (really don't know what that is) when you pull the lady finger apart. The BIG seed seem like it is going to chock your intestine which will make you constipate for LIFE! Hmm... May be forget about the Lady Finer Plantation, just give me the location where people rear anchovy. Fry the anchovy to keep my dear happy....

it's you and me <3
8:43 PM

Finally, 3 years of lectures and tutorial have come to an end today The next thing about school will definitely be EXAM. The exam which will somehow decide whether your chances to enter the university will shoot to sky high or drop to 6 feet underground. Won't be faring as well as before as the test i have attempted was BAD. I seem to have change slight bit. Now I can't even be bother with copying grade A or even grade C type of work to submit during tutorial. IOU of tutorial is being sent out and of course I will receive it. 4 tutorial for me to copy from MEL, don't know why he just don't accept a printed copy!

Did not attend my last tutorial as I was simply too lazy to move my body out of the bed. It will be nice if my bed have a ejector mechanism which will throw me out as long as its time for me to wake up. I think I know a few person who really might need this thing too.

I was shocked when I read the newspaper today. Poor Joe Augustine and his partner were being sacked again (again is for augustine) ! Felt so pissed with Power 98 Management! How can they sack such a good DJs who is able to brighten up a gloomy morning with their sunshine way of hosting the show. They were the ones who made me ADDICTED to Power98 morning Jam! Shouldn't the company think of how DJs have contributed in their listening-ships instead of their minor mistakes they have committed? DAMN DAMN!

Took a 1 and a half hour to reach school from home just for a 30 minute lecture which was totally redundant. Had a class-photo shooting session which was FUN! As usual, my face which is tilted at the same angle and the Un-natural smile will appear in every pic I took! Hope our dear Jia jun will post the photo up ASAP! Anyway, our photographer for the photo-shoot is Samantha who seem to be still angry with me. Sobx!

Met Daryl and Spencer after school. Initially, they wanted to go to SENTOSA to suntan. SUNTAN! YES, don't know who came out with the stupid idea! We end up going to Vivo to chill. Wanted to have our lunch at Carnivore which I wanted to try for some time. Sad that Spencer don't really want to eat it. But is okay, some other day is fine for me too!

Accompany them to shop for their FULL set of clothing! All i was to seat at a nice comfortable corner and help them check the condition of the merchandise they are purchasing. Went to find Irene leong as i was at town but sadly, she wasn't at the counter as she was down for a course, Waste my trip down! Haha!

Feeling tired now. Luckily I won't have any class tomorrow which means i am able to wake up after NOON! Love it!

2 weeks had pass and hope you have enjoy every moment with me. Exam is coming and it might somehow even reduce the chances for us to meet/interact. Hope we can study together, spending time together while we study for our final exam. It will be sweet... MUHAHA.... Weather isn't that good, better drink more water and take care okay, Hate to hear that you are sick so you better take care okay! Don't let me worry for you okay!

it's you and me <3
5:30 AM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just finish my dinner. A sumptuous dinner today. Normally i will avoid steam food as much as possible but today, it seem like i fall in love with the steam fish and steam prawn my mum cook! The intense chinese wine aroma being captured by the sweet tender prawn. Yummy! Just hope that I won't be drunk because of it! The steam fish was great too! Teo Chew style steam fish which use many pork belly/lard accompanying the fish to steam.

Realize that my hair look terrible without applying anything to my hair. I think I will have to apply wax before I leave the house if not i look like a 100% China chinese worker.

Most likely i will be going to school for tutorial tomorrow. Will be going to Daryl's house to study PCON/UOP for final exams. Hope daryl will study instead of day dreaming or stoning. Time to study BRO!

Wondering when will be our marshmallow outing. I am waiting anxiously for it. Wonder where can we go, what can we eat, what can we talk! Waiting for the time to come, most likely it will happen after exam! Going K? Going Fishing? Going BBQ? Going Camping? Just give me you suggestion so i can plan early! I volunteer to plan for this outing.

Realize that I have been blogging more often then usual.

it's you and me <3
4:34 AM

Monday, February 9, 2009

Finally i went to do something with my hair after so many days of friends, colleagues and family persuading me to cut my hair! Went to cut my hair after class today. The same old salon which always serve me tea which I don't drink and the stacks of magazine will definitely have FHM for me, don't know why. Wanted to read the it today but the version they gave me today was chinese version. So I just stared at the hairdresser like a idiot while she cut my hair, snipping most of dyed part of the hair.

Went to school for my 8 am tutorial and a 11 am lecture which was CANCELLED! DAMN DAMN.... Went to school for nothing as I wasn't doing anything for the whole 2 hour. Went to my friend house after school to help him with some video stuff . Took a cab to his house which cost me $12. The cab I took the Hyundai Azera which is definitely quieter than most of the other cab model. The extra features in the car was high tech and I think it is the luxury series of Hyundai. The interior is also very spacious with wide leg room for my leg to stretch!

Took a bus to the mall opposite from where i stay for my hair cut. Wanted to deposit money into my bank but the machine isn't working so i have no choice but to transfer the last $20 to my dear Caslyn who have help me contribute to the Birthday Ang Pao for Irene lee, RCP counter manager. Now my bank is left with $7 and it have broke the lowest record my bank account left. BROKE!

Lunch was just a bowl of MEE SOTO FLAVOR cup noodle. Wanted to pack the Yong Tau Foo from the food court but just so lazy to make the small detour which is less then 30m. Now I am feeling super tired due to the fact that i woke up very early today. Wonder whether i should go to school for a 2 hour tutorial tomorrow.

I was shocked to receive 20 email from facebook early in the morning due to the comment people have made. Most of the comments were humorous and mostly about the picture of me blowing the CONDOM! Haha!

Think I will go sleep now.. my eye is shutting now! Good night!

it's you and me <3
9:49 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Latest update..... no Steamboat..... Just a big bowl of soup (steamboat's SOUP)) with all the dish being thrown into the soup. Other 2 dish are the Lo Hey and the steam prawn and scallops. SIAN!!!!

it's you and me <3
11:56 PM

2 more weeks before exam starts. Didn't go to school today as I only have 1 IS lesson today which is just a wrapping session. Gotten 79.1 score without the final paper scores being added. Not bad for a module as the lecturer is just so boring. Had cough syrup yesterday night which made me feel so drowsy till I felt like I was floating on my bed. The drowsiness have not worn off as i felt so lethargic now. Wanted to study for UOP/ICP/PTECH/PCON (Either 1) today but just don't have the ability to concentrate with my mind being set at a "GOING TO SLEEP" mode.

Did my NUS course application today. As usual, i chose those super weird course which I know that I won't really be able to go in but just wish to try my luck. Realize that the GPA entry requirement for most course is kind of high. Hope that the high GPA is due to the large number of graduate of the dragons from the Poly which cause the competition to be so tough.

Most likely i will be having steamboat, Lo Hey and Tang Yuan (glutinous rice ball) tonight! Will be looking forward to drink the soup which were being boiled for sometime and sweeten by all the balls, meat, vegetable which we put it into the soup to cook it. And because today is the 15th of the Lunar Calender, I decide not miss the chance to have a dinner together. This result in missing a gathering.... to town? to K? .... i don't know....

Wonder should i take my afternoon nap later. Just worried that I will get a headache after i wake up. Wanted to watch the Television but my dad is recording some shows which means i can't change the SCV channel. Think I will be rotting in my room, blasting the radio. Sad that the radio reception wasn't so good for Power 98. I am now hook to the Power 98 instead of Yes 933 which i always listen in the past.

Craving for Japanese food now. Sad that I left with $27 in my bank, I think I will eat it next month if there is money left after I deduct my pay with my credit card bills and meal allowance if i am working for many days next month! Graduating by end of this month so I am able to work for weekdays as well! More working days means more money! More money means more spending!!!! My dad's job isn't very stable now as his company is not doing well. Hope he will be fine with this economic crisis.

it's you and me <3
11:04 PM

Birthday celebration was FUN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRADAP!! The place was crowded as usual, the dance floor which is just less then 10 m from where we were seated is JAMMED till we have to dance at our drinking area. And of course, Martell was the main liquor they SWALLOW the whole night like a thirsty camel. Didn't drink much as I am on morning shift today! They can't afford to let me be late unless they want to be SHOOT by the counter manager. Saw Yi Qian at power house and Eunice saw me when I didn't see her at all!

The celebration was as usual, singing of birthday song, cutting cake and some little small tricks. But what was POWER was the little small tricks they played on the poor birthday girl! The props required to perform the 2 tricks were a birthday cake, a can of whipped cream, a box of strawberry FRUITS, a packet of strawberry flavored CONDOM and crazy planner(S)!

1 of the trick were to bite the strawberry from the cake which had a thick layer of whipped cream sprayed on it. Of course the poor birthday girl's face was being covered with the OILY whipped cream.

The 2nd trick was ultimate! 4 strawberries were stuffed into a strawberry flavored condom and were being sprayed with generous amount of whipped cream. And once again, the poor birthday girl was to eat the strawberry from the condom. Cool right?

The 3rd trick which they cancelled last minute as the birthday girl had gastric just before the celebration as they don't want to torture her much. The trick was to lick all the whipped cream off the condom (which is being inflated).

All this trick was to be perform at our table which is located at the entrance to the dance floor. How many million people will be looking at her? Poor girl! Left the celebration half way, around 130 am. Wanted to stay till the whole celebration is over but there were a fight at the dance floor which happen just next to our table. Both Dawn and I just followed the crowd out of Power house.

Took a cab home and it cost $26.80. My pee which had stored in my flooding bladder almost flow out when I pay the cab driver the large sum of money! Poor guy now. Will be turning to canned food diet soon to save my money. Find it pointless to
go home so early as I manage to fall asleep at 4 am.

Dragged myself to work in the morning. Initially thought the target was $1267 but was raise to $1833 due to the 7% GST absorbed by Robinson department stall. Luckily sales was great if not I will be pull down by the sales target. Don't want to be pulled down by the 65% which will make my commission flat.

Talking to Irene Leong now. Haven't hear her voice for century! MISS HER!

it's you and me <3
2:44 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Went to Chinese New Year visit today. Went to Charles Ong's and Fang Yi's home as both stay kind of near each other, 1 in Admiralty and the other is in Yishun. Our class was suppose to visit Dr Lim's house as well but sadly she had activity after 12 pm.

Charles Ong house was nice. The condominium was well decorated with water features which made the area very big due to the reflection. The white paint of the building were being contrast by the blue window which every units is being installed with, the building is being compliments the greenery and water features which made the place look posh!

Played Black-Jack in his house and won $3. First winning of the lunar calender. Haven't be winning recently, DON'T even have a single share in the $10 million TOTO draw. The best was having 3 matching numbers only. 3! Don't know why there isn't any more number which can match. Sheng Long lost a good whole $70 dollar to Jeremy. Wonder why must he bet till $20 per game. HELLO! We are still a student (Part- time Job not included), why must you play till such a big amount so as to get back the small amount of money lost. Not as if the $5 or $10 is your whole assets that you definitely must win back for sure?! Not just Sheng Long, SPENCER is another one who love to play with super big bets!!! I admit I play a super small bet but not too bad right?!

Lunch was settled at the Japanese Food-court at North Point. Had this "House Special" Ramen which does not taste a single bit fantastic except the fantastic price of $6.90 for a small bowl of Ramen. What is even more fantastic was the amount you have to pay to get addition noodle. Just an additional small amount of noodle will cost you another $1.50. A neighborhood food-court charging such an extorting price which wasn't even worth as the standard of the food taste even worst then a normal japanese food sold at a Coffee-Shop or hawker centre.

Went to Fang Yi house after Lunch. Didn't do much thing there except playing card games again. Played Big 2 and Black-jack with no money involved. This type of friendly match is fun as you won't feel stress playing. Won't really care about loosing as you won't loose anything when you lost the card game. Ate the Mo Chi Fang Yi made. Taste great and i think she can start setting up her stall along the walk way to the bus interchange and sell her Mo chi.

Didn't take any picture with my phone today. May be tonight as i will be going to St-James to celebrate my colleague birthday. Feeling tired now, hope I will feel more awake later. What is worst is that I have to wake up as early as 8am to go to work tomorrow. Think tomorrow i will work with my eye half open. Tomorrow will be my mum's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!

Yesterday i had a test, the last test of this semester, the last test of the 3 years in poly. It was horrible and hope that exam won't be that tough. I just want to graduate fast.

Think this semester was just the best semester among 5 semester in school. Not because of the modules but just the atmosphere. This semester projects seem to start with some non-constructive activity such as Mahjong or cards game and after school activity will always be there. Will definitely miss those fun when projects meeting turn into K-boxing, gossiping, gaming session with Jia Jun, Sheng long and Chun Rong! Will miss those time where we start persuading each other to go out/ go to Jie Sheng's Pub. Miss many things which we have done together. Jia Jun, Sheng Long, Chun Rong, Daryl, Jie Sheng, Fang Yi and so many people will definitely be the one who made my Poly life fun. Thanks PAL!

Changed my university choice again after many people made me realize the impossible chance to enter Chemical Engineering and let alone the first choice i have chosen: "Double Degree, Chemical Biomolecular Engineering and Econs" Damn it. Wonder why the university can't have 50% 50 % admission. 50% from JC and 50% from Poly would be better right? Anyway, many students are choosing poly instead of JC right? It will be fair if the admission follows the number of student graduating "A" level and Diploma. Meritocracy?! I doubt so! Such a simple proportion method and they can't do it. Hope the government will recognize Diploma as equal/better as/then A level.

To those who are feeling down.... Cheer up okay! I will always lend you my hearing ear when you wish someone to listen to you to pour out your feeling.

it's you and me <3
4:16 AM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Guess what I did yesterday?! Went to K despite my illness which was kind of subside by the time i left the house! Thank to the concoction of medicine i have taken in the morning. Went with Spencer and Daryl as Jie Sheng wasn't able to contact him until 5 pm as he SLEPT till 5pm! Went to party world to K for 4 hours and it cost only $15.60. Quite cheap as the tidbits and fruits provided was nice! Sang lots of songs despite the fact that I pass the mic to Spencer every time i sang halfway and ask him to continue.

Accompany them to Cine-leisure to buy ring. Talk about the ring issue later. The main issue is that I was being shot by the BIRD! 2 shots. First shot was directly onto my hand. Initially I thought it was just a leaf that just fell from the tree. Never expect it to be something white and watery. The second shot was on my T-shirt which i realize it when I was on my way home. Lucky right? Lucky the shirt was white which made the bird shit less obvious. it was the "Hold Me Please" T-shirt which my sister had bought for me.

Went to Centre-Point to find my colleagues which I haven't met for sometime and also want to check my schedule. One of the girl from other brand saw my T-Shirt and ask me next time buy the T-Shit with the pint "F**K Me Please" then I will be rape by everyone who saw the print on my T-Shirt!

Went home to accompany my mum for dinner before i went to fetch my sister back from school. Log in to face book once i reach home and realize that my lecturer posted on my wall on my attendance! Now facebook is scary as my lecturer will track your attendance and enquire on your absent via facebook!

Went to school at around 730 am to accompany Spencer to study CEL as we have a test at 9 am. Didn't help him much and I felt very bad. Hope those question he did will be all correct! Rot for a few hours before i went to PCON tutorial. Totally lost with what he was teaching and what more I don't even had my lecture slides for this whole term! And finally i made the first move to ask my friend to help me photocopy. Thanks!

During lecture Sheng Long was asking me to accompany him to go K-Box to K. As i have K yesterday, I turn him down. Then my phone started to rang and it was Spencer. He asked me to go town. TOWN AGAIN! Asked Sheng Long to go but he also don't want. So in the end i accompany Daryl, Spencer and Jie Sheng to town to chill.

Went to buy a ring which i don't know who suggested that it will symbolize our friendship. Lame right? But sound like a not bad idea. Should suggest to the marshmallow to get a marshmallow ring and Aaron to get a "A" ring! Been sometime since i saw Aaron.

And to you my dear, Happy Birthday!!! Hope you will your enjoy your birthday and accept the fact that you are now 1 year OLDER!

it's you and me <3
6:03 AM

Monday, February 2, 2009

Didn't go school today as i am SICK! Felt quite uncomfortable in the morning as my throat was very sore after coughing the whole damn night. Head was spinning and my teeth is PAIN! Every time when the dentist use a thicker wire to pull my teeth together, my gum will start to feel the painful sensation when something come in contact with your teeth. Scary right? The sensation will just go away after a couple of days!

Took my temperature in the morning and the reading was just super shocking. 47.3 Degree Celsius was displayed on the thermometer. High fever of SUPER high fever?! Realize that i took my temperature directly after I drank a cup of warm water to sooth my throat. Stupid as usual. The second time I took my temperature, the thermometer reads 38.6 Degree Celsius. This means that i have slight fever. Swallowed 2 tablet of Panadaol, drank 2 tablespoon of cough syrup, swallow 2 pills some drugs that was suppose to help in sore throat and followed by half a cup of warm water before I enter my dreamland again.

Feeling better now as I think the medicine is taking its effect now. Hope everything will be gone soon!

Glad that you like the arrangement and the gift i had for you. Felt bad that I left you alone at the restaurant while I went to prepare the stuff. Felt even bad that I was late to fetch you which result in SUPER late dinner. You were brave to go to the park even though you know that it was HAUNTED! Luckily we didn't manage to see ANYTHING. Hope you love the birthday celebration and HAPPY 21st Birthday girl!

Thinking what should I do later. Study for CEL or start to revise my UOP. 2 weeks to exam and I think I should start my revision by NEXT week. Saturday I won't be working and therefore, i am able to join my class to visit our lecturer! Wonder I should gamble on the very day?!

it's you and me <3
7:51 PM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy birthday to all the human today! Todays is the 7th day of the lunar calender and it means today is HUMAN"S birthday! Don't really know why of all the days 7th day of the Chinese New year is Human's birthday. Forget about all the history and literature and just enjoy the day!

Tomorrow i will be having my tourism test which I think i can't be really bother to burn tonight bed time to study. I plan to study when I am awake tomorrow. Think i won't be sleeping early either think I will stone the whole night tonight. Don't know why but i just have this feeling.

Today sales was okay as I manage to hit my target. 1.5% for commission, sound little but for such a person with such a bad financial situation LIKE ME will be happy with the 0.5% now. My first transaction was 3 hours after i started working. Manage to catch hold of my customer and persuade her to buy. A good start as the first bill was $244. No matter what I still manage to hit my target!

Had lunch with Spencer as he came down to find me. Went to Seah Inn Food market to have fried rice. The Kampong fried rice does not taste as good as the one in Cuppage centre. The cuppage center's kampong fried rice is NICE and HOT! After our quick lunch, we went back vivo city to find Daryl and his family for Lo Hey. The Lo Hey wasn't that fantastic but the other dishes look more tempting. No matter how nice the food the restaurant serve, it will never beat those paranakan food serve in Malacca, Malaysia. Love food which is spicy!

Daryl's mum came to find me and get some product and find it stressful to recommend her products as I am afraid that it won't be effective and it might appear cheating her money. What more she have sensitive skin and i am afraid to get her those product even when the product is suitable for sensitive skin. Think I didn't serve Daryl's mum well and felt kind of bad. AUNTY, I am sorry!

After work, i met my family for dinner. Wanted to dine at Sakura but i just don't really have the urge to eat those food. We end up eating to the Zhi Cha store next door for chinese food. Waited for super long time before our food is served. The food taste nice and kind of worth waiting. Ordered 4 dishes but cancelled the 4th dish as it was just too slow. 3 dishes and 8 bowl of rice cost $60. The 3 dishes were steam grouper, sea-cucumber and a Thai chicken. The thai chicken and the Fish is super nice but just abit of salty! No matter what I have a nice dinner!

Tomorrow will be the start of a new week and i feel that my body is reluctant to go school! It is just so far. Anyway, i just applied for NTU! Hope there is some hope for me okay! 1st choice is Double degree (Chemical Bio-molecular Engineering and Economics), 2nd choice is Chemical Bio-Molecular engineering, 3rd is another double degree (Material Engineering and Economics), 4th is Environmental Engineering and the last is Physics and Applied Physics. Hope both university will accept me!! Pray hard... !

it's you and me <3
5:15 AM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


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Believe me - Dima Bilan