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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Guess what?! This year new year eve I will be at home, counting down to new year alone. Feel like going out but very lazy to ask people out at this very last moment and I suppose most of my friend are squeezing their way through the super crowded place. Partially my leg too, seemly just afraid someone will step my leg while they try their luck to squeeze pass me.

Feeling lethargic now, may be I did not have enough sleep in the afternoon. I will never sleep for long duration in the afternoon as compared as I sleep in the night. I think i can't get use to sleep in a brightly lit area.

Time for me to declare bankrupt now. Left $84 in my bank and still owe my dad $300 plus dollar. Next month bill will exhaust my saving completely. Well, shouldn't consider my POSB bank as a saving account as no money is being saved every month. Poor me, I think I won't have anything to give when I die except debts!

Had dinner with my parent at west coast and came home straight after dinner. I know it sound stupid to some people that my family willing to travel some out of place are for our meal but our family just love to eat good food! Anyway, i was the chaffer for today and I simply just love it especially think that you are taking over the wheel. Talking about it, just now while I was traveling to my destination, I saw this cab driver which drove very recklessly, occupying 2 lanes and signal light were shown at the very last minute. As i was directly behind the taxi, I horn him to alert him that he is taking over to my lane. Guess what he did? He wind down the window and pointed his middle finger out! What an arrogant person was that.

I realize that I have not touched any cigarette for more then 2 day! No wonder I am feeling slight discomfort! Tomorrow I think I will to up my nicotine level to maintain my energy cum mood!

Before I end this post, I wish everyone a super happy, healthy, wealthy and interesting year ahead. And of course, I hope i can find my ms right soon! Cheers!

it's you and me <3
5:02 AM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Now at Jia Jun house, trying to complete our FYP but end up everyone is now in their dreamland. Time really crawl from 1 second to another. Wonder will it be a good thing as it mean I am able to do more thing whithin a second and it also means that it will be still a long time before I am able to go home and have a good rest.

Tomorrow will the the end of year 2008. A new year is going to mark a new start in my life. Many thing have happen to me this year and it will be deeply remembered in my heart. New friends made, sweet heart turn friend and friend turn to nobody happened and this will also be remembered.

Habits such as smoking was once again being pick up by me. Nothing is far more better in reliving all the stress, trouble I have. Do not have the habit to voice out all the trouble that I have. Suffering in silence is something which i rather do.

Drinking, pubbing and clubbing became part of my life. My parent hate it especially when I am home dead drunk, hug the toilet bowl and vomit out every drop of fluid from my stomach. Well, at least my tolerance level had improve even better thanks to Jie Sheng!

Attachment and CPTC training had made me realise that my feild of study is kind of boring and super dangerous. Both attachment and CPTC indeed prepare me to be ready in the industry in future. Let not forget all the friendship made during both programm. Hwee Zhen, Shikin, Apol, Jeffery made my attachment so fun, David, Spencer, Jie Sheng, Daryl made CPTC fun with all their nonsense and the time spend under the umbrella.

This year is also special to me as its the year I gotten my driving license. Gotten it on the 2nd attempt, on the very day my grandma was being discharged from hospital. My grandma was admitted to hospital on 1st of july and she was admitted for more then a month.

Next year will be my last year in NP as I will be graduating very soon (if nothing goes wrong). Still haven't decide on the route I will like to choose upon graduation. Mind seem to be in a whirl and nothing seem to get right in this few month. Will think of it may be after graduating!

it's you and me <3
10:49 AM

Monday, December 29, 2008

Back from Thailand for several day and finally i am blogging. The trip were being cut short due to my mum being over worried about us in Thailand. I arrived on Christmas day itself, just in time to celebrate with my friend!

Took a night bus from Chiang Mai to Bangkok on Christmas eve and after long hours of traveling, we finally reached bangkok at 530 am! As both my dad and I is traveling on a different airline as my sister, our flight is on the 25th while my sister is on the 26th. As my sister had backpacked to Thailand before, she kept on insist that we go back home and she will be home the very next day. Once we reach Bangkok, we went straight to my sister hotel but sadly she wasn't able to do an early check in. Went out for breakfast before we head back to the hotel for a several round of pool! Felt quite weird, playing pool with my dad.

Left the hotel to catch our flight which depart Bangkok at 1115 am. Flight was kind of packed and fast. I didn't even manage to finish watching 1 movie on board. Ghost town, the movie I watch, was nice. Not even sure whether the movie will be release in Singapore. Upon arrival, i was planning on what should I do for Christmas night. And of course, a grooming session for my untidy hair and followed by going out with my friend! The christmas present my dad gave me was his approval to drive his car out! After dying and hair cut, I quickly go home, prepare everything and ZOOM!

Christmas was kind of fun as I finally get to smoke! 5 days away from cigarette was totally terrible. Hand start to tremble and kept on feeling cold. I suffered till I wanted to admit to my dad that I smoke but I didn't. My parent have already suspect his poor son to smoke.

26, 27 and 28 were the days I have to work. Went to C U on 26 after work with one of friend who ask me out the day before. Went to St James on the 27 after work with Spencer. Met Eric and Yi Qian there. Had 3 flaming lamborghini and a jar of whiskey with coke. Wanted to go to Zouk but sadly Spencer do not want. Yesterday was the best I went straight home to complete my project instead of going to party! This month pay will be terrible as I work only for a miserable few day!

Today I was suppose to attend a project in school but I wasn't able to attend as I hit my leg which result in me having difficulty to limp for a large distance. Met them online to complete the project. 6 hours was the duration I glued in front of my laptop. Just hope that I have enough time to complete all the project!

I was wondering what will I be doing on this Wednesday night? Thursday and Friday activity were being plan.

Feeling bored now!

it's you and me <3
4:27 AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tomorrow will be the start of my 8 days trip to Thailand and Laos. Not much of a shopping trip, kind of a sight seeing trip. Feeling kind of low now. May be the thoughts that I am unable to celebrate Christmas with loves one is the cause of it. Dream of you yesterday, not even know why you will appear at such a place. Let hope it is just a dream and it will never happen in reality. I really do not want to meet you at that place and that time with that somebody.

Holidays without work is not considered a holiday to me. Staying at home, rotting in front of the computer, trying to search for information for several projects. Kind of exhausted by all those time consuming project which I don't have much interest. Forcing myself to look through all the documents, reading all those paragraphs, trying to source out the key words and figure. Year 3 life is tough.

Went PUBbing again on monday. Went to CU with Spencer after work and we finished our liquor that very night. Augustine, Daryl and one of Augustine friend join us afterward. Augustine wanted to compete with Jie Sheng in speed drinking. They decide on white wine after long period of discussion. And of course, our Dear friend Jie Sheng won the competition. Awhile after the competition, Spencer left the place for home as he do not have the mood to stay awake the whole night. Augustine and his friend was the next as Augustine was kind of drunk. And that left me and Daryl in the pub, waiting for Jie Sheng to knock off. After he knock off at 230 am, we went to somewhere in orchard to drink but too bad Jie Sheng liquor had finished. So we took a cab to concord hotel where Jie Sheng Boss treat us to drink. After that we went to a few other place before we decide to end our night at East Coast park where something bad happen to Jie Sheng. His wallet as soon as we left him. The thief was such a bastard. He cut Jie Sheng's jeans pocket and took his wallet. The thief is really a sucker. Hope he will be caught someday!

Went to watch Twilight yesterday. Not bad but the ending was kind of abrupt as they did not specify that there will be other parts for us to follow up. Story line seem very adventures and I think I will try to find the story book to read up.

Feeling bored now. Miss yoU!!!

it's you and me <3
10:10 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another day for me to rot at home, having no job to do, no discussion to attend. Luckily I will be working tomorrow, if not I will have gone berserk by the very end of tomorrow. Praying hard that Spencer and Jie Sheng will meet me tomorrow after work so that we can chill together.

Weather seem to have turn cold and it seem to be raining almost everyday. So remember to cover yourself with another layer of blanket if you feel cold, bring an umbrella incase you are being caught in the rain and drink more water and vitamin to build up body resistant.

5 more days for my trip and no excitement is being felt. Heavily in debt now, I owe my dad more then $300 and I am not sure when I am able to return to him. January pay is going to be super little as I work hardly less than 5 days and doubt can pay much of my bills which more will be arriving super soon!

Saving, Saving, Saving!!!!

it's you and me <3
10:28 PM

Friday, December 12, 2008

Common test have finally ended! PCon paper marks the end of common test and that was the toughest paper among all the 3 test. Had much difficulty trying to understand what exactly PCon is about until thursday. Started looking through my PCon tutorials once I reach home from school, trying to understand the formulas and equations. Went out with family for dinner at Ang Mo Kio before heading to Bishan to meet Daryl for last minute PCon intensive studying program.

I met Daryl at around 9.20 pm and Daryl suggested that we have a cup of coffee before we start our revision. Its been sometime since I every drink coffee at coffee shops, watching TV and chatting. Called Jie Sheng invite him to join us to study through the night and he agreed, meeting us at the coffee shop straight after he answer the phone call. The first drink Jie Sheng ordered was stout while Daryl and I continue to drink our coffee. After the first bottle of stout, Jie Sheng ordered his second bottle stout which I drank half the bottle. After the 2nd bottle of stout, we switch back to something I prefer to drink, Beer. 2 glass of alcohol to start my night of revision seem to be slightly unusual. After the drinking session, we went to meet Spencer who was the last person to join us for the study.

On the way to Daryl's house, I met Jocelyn, the one working in Clinique (Centre Point), who was also drinking coffee with her friends. Kind of surprise that I am able to meet someone who also isn't living in Bishan at Bishan. Went to Daryl house to print lecture notes for Jie Sheng as he did not bring anything with him and for Daryl to change his clothes. 1 hour was spent there, waiting for all Jie Sheng's document to be printed and trying to figure out 1 question of the past year common test paper. Once everything was done, we head to have our Supper cum Breakfast, Kway Chap. Realize that Bishan is super accessible and very convenient as many 24 hours coffee shop there as well as 24 hours super market. Had our Kway Chap until 2.45 am before we start to walk to a quiet corner to study. Spend a total of 2.5 hours before we proceed back to Daryl's house to slack.

Had our breakfast before we head to school. 4 super tired person, going to school for our common test. The night spent was worthwhile as the common test question was almost similar to the past year common test paper which we had attempt. To fuel my energy for the whole night, drank more then 4 cups of caffeine rich Drink, had more then 10 sticks of cigarette and 3 great friend to accompany me to study! Well, not 3 friend who studied the whole night, Jie Sheng just accompany us to study but he was busying playing his PSP.

Realize that this common test is totally crazy for me. Apart from Thursday crazy night, I went to teach Jie Sheng PTech on Wednesday directly after my dental at a PUB! Kind of amazing experience teaching someone at a pub.

Went for my army medical check-up after my common test and gotten my first PES status. I gotten PES A which I was super "HAPPY" after seeing my status. Sigh, Sigh, Sign....!

After the check up, I was totally dead at home. Cancelled the pre-plan drinking session with Spencer. Too tired to leave the house, not even to mention drinking. Hope we can meet up again before 19th this month. My trip to Thailand is confirm and will be leaving on the 19th and be back on the 27th this month. Kind of a long get away for me but I don't think I will enjoy this trip as my mum is not joining us for this trip. We failed to persuade her for this trip so in the end, 3 of us will go.

it's you and me <3
9:12 PM

Friday, December 5, 2008

Yesterday birthday celebration was super successful as we manage to make the birthday girl drunk! What more was that I manage to meet my secondary school classmates at double O. The place was super pack and music played was all pleasant to my ear!
Our dear Hwee Ching was being forced by us to drink shots after shots, sips after sips. She was force to drink Bourbon Cokethen Vodka Red Bull and followed by Lychee Martini. 2 shots of Tequila, 2 shots of Vodka and she is gone! Totally gone till she start to vomit several time, staying in the toilet for super long time, making me standing outside the toilet, hoping the next person who exit the Ladies is her! The group start to get bigger and bigger from the time we enter till the time we leave. Janice (the engineer)was there, Rena was there, Shikin and her Boyfriend, Shikin Boyfriend's Brother and Sister, another department's technician and her sister were also there.
Took a few picture as the lighting there were super poor!

Me and the birthday Girl, before she was DRUNK!

Hwee Ching, Me (Looking so funny!) and Shikin!!!

Shikin, me and hmmmm.. a sister who don't know who!

Poor Shikin whose face is being blocked by my HAIR! The new girl is Rena.

The People of SP who attended!!

While waiting for our dear Birthday Girl who was stuck at the toilet, I saw a familiar face. It was You Min, my secondary 1,2 class mates. Called her name and realise that her friend were also my secondary classmate. Manage to meet You Min, Qing Yun, Evelyn and Su Zhen(who was another gonner of the night!). Haven't met up with them for super long time and were surprise that they were there. The first thing evelyn mention was that I always copy her chinese spelling
during chinese lesson. I totally forgotten that I copied from her. Su Zhen always remeber her cutting bot Chong Wee and mine hair during class lesson and burnt them. There are so much of fun during secondary 1-2 which made me so difficult to get use to my secondary 3,4 class.

Su Zhen, Me (looking funny as usual), Evelyn and Qing Yun

Me, You Min and Qing Yun. This pic is taken outside the toilet.

Me and You Min!!!

Me and Su Zhen (the super HIGH girl of the night!)

POSE 1- taken on the cab while we were on our way back to Seng Kang

Pose 2

Me and my stupid face

And lastly, the 2 gonner of the night!
I was suppose to send the 2 gonner home as 1 stay in tampinese while the other stay at Seng Kang. Rena insist that she send Hwee Ching home instead of me sending the 2 gonner home. So I send Su Zhen home. Once I am bath, I enter my dreamland straigh as I drank quite alot yesterday. Apart from drinking what Hwee Ching drink, I drank half a jar of Long island Tea and Vodka Cranberry while I was at my class mates table. Think I consumer too much alcohol this month.
Anyway, I am just back home from Jie Sheng's Pub. Went drinking with Spencer and Jie Ying (who left half way). As usual, we drink, we sing, we smoke and we chat. Our Hennessy left 1/4 which we beleive that by 12th it will be totaly empty.

it's you and me <3
6:50 AM

Thursday, December 4, 2008

3 more hour before I leave my house to get something from town before meeting them. A boring day indeed. Lesson start at 8 am and supposing to end at 1 pm. Left school at around 11, accompany Sheng Long and Jia Jun to Expo to collect their Standard Chartered marathon goodie bag. The collection time start at 12 nn  and by the time we reach at around 1135 am, the que was super long that it have already cross another exhibition hall's corridor. By 11 50 am, the que seem to have stretch to the MRT station. As usual, the first in the que are few aunty who seem to have reach there even before 11am. Aunty POWER! 

By the time the 2 of them have collected their goodie bag, it started to rain heavily which made it not so possible to run to the car with out getting the whole body totally drench! Went to the John-little sales before Sheng Long volunteer to run to the car and fetch us at the walk way! Thank! Board the car successfully without getting myself wet and we leave expo for Changi Village for our lunch. 

Went straight home after lunch and try to catch a good rest but I didn't even manage to catch a nap. Think tonight I will stone the whole night, standing at 1 corner and keep quiet. Sound so not like me. 

Thinking on what to wear tonight...... 

it's you and me <3
12:03 AM

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today is Wednesday and it means 2 more days to weekend. Yesterday was our NAPFA session but it was postpone due to bad weather condition. Our next NAPFA session is yet unknown and most probably next year January. Hope it won't be postpone again. 

Today lesson was super short. Went to school for a 3 hour practical session which was suppose to end at 11 am but we complete our practical at around 10 am. Went straight home after practical as I did not want to waste my time doing nothing in home. Neither did I did any constructive work at home. I was glued infront of the television and computer while holding my lecture notes. I still don't have any determination to start revising despite common test is next week. 

Term break won't be a break for me as there are still lots of project I still have to do. Tourism, PTEC/ICP, FYP and WISP! 4 major project which we have to complete as soon as possible. My tourism project worth 50% of the final module grade! 

Looking forward for tomorrow and Saturday. Tomorrow will be going out with attachment colleague! First time going clubbing and hope it will be a good experience. Think I will feel quite stupid tomorrow as I don't really know what to do! AND hope tomorrow outing will not be too expensive!

Saturday we going to have a Lim family (My mum side!) BBQ, celebrating an early christmas. The last BBQ we has were like 3 months ago. Apart from the fun, I am looking forward to the food! Clams, Scallops, Mussels, Shishamo, bacon cheese will be just some of the food that will served, not forgetting prawns, chicken wings, sausages, CURRYS, bee hoon and other more food, making the BBQ a grand one! 

it's you and me <3
10:55 PM

Monday, December 1, 2008

After listening my blog song for several time, I realise that I really miss those days when I am in love.

Miss those day that you are being loved and care by someone, miss those days that you know someone will always be by your side and miss those days that you have a person to care.

I realise that I have not kissed for sometime. Miss the feeling of a soft lips touches my lips, miss the breathing sound of your love one whose face so near to you. Miss the times when someone give you a sudden peck on your cheek. How about a long of kiss, I really miss it!

Those were the days.

Those days in a relationship were history and I wonder when will I enjoy the feeling of being in love again.

it's you and me <3
4:42 AM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


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January 2008
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December 2008
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Believe me - Dima Bilan