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Monday, October 27, 2008

Home after work. Today is not worth going work as I took cab to work and back home. $31.80 spend on cab today. Just don't want to squeeze the train which make me very uncomfortable with the number of people! Hate crowded places and the thought of going to somewhere crowded will irritate me.

Today work at metro @ paragon and sales was terrible. Only have $700 sales despite the target was about $1.2K. Hate going there as I don't know much people over there, do not have kakis for many activities! Had lunch at Cine Leisure, ate the thai stir friend kway teow which was edible. Bought myself a menthol light flavor cigarette as they do not have reds. After smoking a few sticks, I almost puke! Think I can't take menthol anymore! 

Yesterday was fantastic as I do not have to work. Had my lunch at Bedok with family before attending my driving class conducted by my dad! Drove all the way to Lim Chu Kang for practice before driving all the way back. Nothing interesting happen during this session despite a few negative remarks my father gave. The rest of my day is being spent in front of the computer, looking for songs that my father ask me to help him to look for. 

At night, I receive a message from Aaron who asked me out for a drink as he was feeling terrible after quarreling with his girlfriend. Didn't went out with him as my parent did not allow me to go as it was very very late when he texted me. Talk to him on the phone till about 2 plus a.m. before I manage to force myself to sleep at around 5a.m. His problem was almost similar to the problem I have previously. It seem like the his girlfriend was like my ex-girlfriend who does not want to go out. There is other problems that were exactly what I and my ex faced before we broke-up. And after hearing his problem, it set me to the thinking mode. Many "what if" came into my mind and many scene were being replayed in my brain. But what ever it is, nothing will ever turn back the time and change the cruel end to a fairy tale type of ending. Wish him all the best in facing the problem!

Year end trip seem to have change from Taiwan to Bangkok. May be my aunty family will tag along. Think it will be fun going around in a big group! Hope they can tag along as they did not tag along with us when we went to New Zealand and China. Hope this trip will be fun and I will start to count down to the day I am off for Bangkok! Ticket still not being book but the tentative date for the tour will be on the 20th december, during my term break.

it's you and me <3
5:30 AM

Finally I am going to post the few picture up on my blog first !!! Enjoy. This entry is more for those ZI LIAN picture we took during working hours!

This is me and Irene when she wore the BLACK uniform for the new launch perfume. She have the "slut" look right??? But she is not a slut okay! She is a NICE lady who is definitely will never be a SLUT!

Calyn, Our makeup artist. Jealous of the BIG eye as my eye is so small!!! 

Seem like me and Irene love to take self portrait of ourself! In my phone memory, I have at least 6 picture of me and her taken on various occasion. 

it's you and me <3
5:22 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Finally I am in my room, waiting for my brain to send the sleepy signal to my body! Today the day seem to be short and fun! Sales was good and most of the customer are fantastic and not problematic. I was alone at my counter after 6p.m. after Caslyn knock off. 3 person were on morning shift while I am the only person on afternoon shift (3-11) which was the shift most people hate. The only problem was meal time. Had a big miscommunication and in the end I had dinner with Ke jia. Poor Cynthia, who I thought she had someone to eat with her, have to eat alone. Felt very bad, making Cynthia to eat her dinner alone and did not go and have dinner with Jenny despite we arrange it earlier.  Minus out this issue, everything was great and my sales was about $2k. It had been sometime since I had this amount of sales and hope I will have it more often.

Receive a phone call from Christine even before I step into centrepoint. She left me a sandwich for me to eat. Despite it was something she was too full to consume it and left at the counter for me, at least she still will call and inform me about the sandwich. The sandwich came in so handy at around 8p.m. when my stomach start to produce the growling sound. No matter what, THANKS CHRISTINE! 

Left centrepoint for home with Ke Jia as she live near me. Reach home at around 1130p.m. and went to buy supper at around 12.30a.m. and now I am feeling so full. 

My mum had gastric and she ate very little for dinner (almost nothing) and I suggested to have supper as I was hungry as well. My mum does not want to go out so I suggested I will go and pack home the food so that we can have our supper together. She insisted that we have our supper at the place then we buy her a bun for her to eat. Once I board the car, I told my dad that my mum haven't had much for dinner, he was furious. He didn't even allow me to drive the car despite he agreed to it earlier. The initial plan was to go Ang Mo Kio to have porridge as my mum mention that it was above average but my dad decide to change it to Hougang which is near to home. He sped all the way just to buy the supper and sped all the way back, cursing and swearing at cars that is kind of obstructing his way. 

It made me realize that love after marriage does exist and love is not just about commenting on his/her feeling and affection but to act it out. Showing love does not mean performing big tasks or buy expensive stuff for each other. Love can be shown by simple action. I thought it is simply just habit that each other use to do but after seeing what my dad did today, it made me realize that it is not habit but the passion of love which still continue burning despite after years. 

My dad was angry that my mum did not have her dinner and the change of location from Ang Mo Kio to Hougang (My dad loves to eat the porridge at Ang Mo Kio) and not allowing me to drive was because he wants to let my mum to have her meal in the shortest possible time.  On the other hand, my mum wanted me to let my dad to have his supper there (at Ang Mo Kio) instead of packing back because my mum knows that my dad loves to eat food that are freshly served. Sacrificing own comfort for the sake of the comfort of their loves one was indeed admirable. My dad pack a packet of Hokkien mee instead of the bun my mum wanted as he insist that my mum do not sleep with hungry stomach. I wonder in future will I ever be like my dad, sacrifice his own time/comfort for the sake of everyone and will the passion of love be able to last through out my whole marriage life (if i am able to get myself a wife).  


it's you and me <3
10:18 AM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A brand new day for me. Had a terrible night sleep. Feeling lethargic now but too bad still have to do project. Now alone in the libary as the rest of them went for lunch. Not much in a mood to have my lunch. Just loaded the picture into my computer and it means that I will be loading all the picture into my blog very soon. Not much interesting picture, just those picture I took during work with Caslyn, Irene and Joycelyn. Well, there is a few self taken picture when I am bored as well. Will be loading it most likely by tommorrow or sunday.

Sunday work is being cancelled and this mean that I have alot of free time at home. Hope I can do something meaningful. PNID is due on tuesday and we are 1/4 done with it. Did not do much for the PNID as we have a model which we can reference to. Some minor change were being done and hope the lecturer will accept our change.

Thinking of going out later but do not know where can I go. Kind of last minute to ask people to go out! Now I am so saturated now. Staring at the stupid screen for sometime, trying to see which parameter can I change to make the distillation process work out properly! Know almost 0% on how to use this program and struggling to find the way how to control the stupid parameter.

it's you and me <3
8:42 PM

Home after meeting Amanda and her cousin. It been along time since I met her and everything seem just like how it was when we broke up. I was early, reaching chinatown around 6p.m. as Sheng Long drove me to Bugis where I took a bus to Chinatown. All met up at around 7.05p.m. and accompany them to some isolated shop in a deserted shopping centre to buy something. After buying everything, we left the place for the MRT station. Took a very long time before we decide to have our meal at Hougang. During the train trip, destination for meal seem to change and change. And the final dinner destination was at Soup Restaurant@ Hougang Mall. 

Realize that the food had so much MSG till I am feeling very uncomfortable. Think I will be forcing a large volume of water down my throat in a very short moment. Ordered 3 dishes, 1. Samsui Chicken, 2. Baby Kai Lan and 3. Yang Zhou Fried Rice. A simple meal which I think it does not have reach the 2 girl standard. Well, think they are used to have sumptuous feast for most of the meal.

After dinner, 3 of us when to NTUC for shopping. Not me who did the shopping, they are the one who shop around and gotten nothing in the end. I left after they completed their trip to NTUC while they went to enjoy their desert at Gelare (I suppose). Cabbed home as I simply just want to be quiet for the very moment. 

Wanted to join Jie Sheng at the pub he is working but many things are waiting for me to complete. Heard that the bought a bottle of martell (his favorite) for the night. Hope he and Jie Ying enjoy the drinking session. 

11p.m. and I am not asleep. Simply can't force myself to sleep. All I know that I am feeling very empty now. Worst of all, I do not even know the reason for me to feel it and the things that I have lost which made me feel empty. Emotion is also mix up. Feeling all kind of feeling now. Think I am really kind of too troubled. Project seem to be pilling up and things seem not going smoothly for me. How I wish my guardian angel is just beside me, accompany me, helping me in times of trouble. 

Anyway, shop at SIM today. Bought 2 things from there. As for today, nothing happen much in school except the collection of the NP45 party ticket. I suppose it is a party not some talks which will make me sleep! As for my FYP, things are still far from completion and many things are still left undone. Hope everything will get smoothly day after day. 

it's you and me <3
7:35 AM

Monday, October 20, 2008

I must say something, my blog will be kind of wordy as I really do not have much time to upload picture BUT I promise when I really have time to sort out all the picture, I will upload it. My handphone cable is now in my sister office and the only source with all the most recent picture are in it. So I apologize for boring post okay!

Today was LONG! Lessons was boring and the minute and second hand drag around the centre of the clock. 8a.m. to 5p.m. was good enough to kill me, especially when I only have about 2 hour of sleep only. Played mahjong, spider solitaire and free cells during 4 hour of lecture on tourism, 2 hour of intensive msn chatting for my world issue lesson! Wasted 6 hour of lecture time in school and had 3 hour break which was wasted stoning in the library with very little work done. 3 hours of break was totally not productive as the time was suppose to discuss on our FYP was being converted to their CEL practical meeting (I wasn't in their group for CEL) and hence I can only be stoning in front of my laptop to kill my time. Well, the only productive thing I did was to teach Yi Ting on how to do the CEL practical when I have not even touch the worksheet yet! 

Tomorrow will be meeting Andrew, a financial adviser, whom I really don't know who is he and how he got my number. No matter what, I will just meet him and understand a few things from him and if the policy seem great, may be I will buy/invest/apply (I don't know which is the correct verb to use) the policy. Tomorrow will be meeting him after school at KAP Mac.  

Think I am adapting to my school life now, project, lecture, tutorial and project, lecture, tutorial! How interesting it can be right? The only time i can relax is after school when all the formulas, equation will really leave you alone! Thursday may be meeting Rui Ting for dinner or for a drinking session. May be Amanda will be coming. Haven't met 2 of them for sometime. Think the last time I met Rui Ting was when she work at RCP. As for Amanda, it definitely a very long time since we meet. Let hope Thursday meet up can be successful!

Weather is bad, please drink more water and adequate rest. Take in supplement if there is any need, especially those who have just recovered!

Take care and cheers!

it's you and me <3
5:48 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A very warm sunday morning today. Work up at around 10 am plus since I couldn't have a very good night sleep. Thinking of something which somehow bother me a little bit. 

Will be working at 2 p.m. so I have sometime before I get ready for work, so i decided to update my deserted blog! My face-book account is finally established and somehow I mange to learn how to use the basic control and links in the website. Really amazed by how it can link to people who you really looses contact with and can see the big change they had by looking at their picture. I really feel like a country pumpkin when I first explore the website and now I think there is some improvement! :-p

Got FYP (Final Year Project) this semester and it is a 8 credit module. A huge project for us to struggle for about 15 weeks, with a THICK report and presentation as the final product. Designing a distillation to separate cyclohexane and n-heptane and to meet the specification of the overhead product and bottom product. TOUGH! As usual Sheng Long, Jia Jun, Chun Rong and me is in the same group. Have been working on several project before and I think we manage to adapt to each other working style which will be a bonus for this project. Will be digging out my year 1 to 3 lecture notes out for this project as it made use of everything we have learn from the first semester to the last semester. More books will be entering to my life and this seem to be a very rare scene! Book is something I hate and will definitely avoid it whenever there is an opportunity but for this time, I will buried myself into the sea of books, trying to look for equation/information. Finally I see the change in ME!

The very first day school start was GREAT! As it start with something totally different from our course module. IS seem to be the fun subject among all the module as you learn totally different things from math, physic and chemistry. Monday class start and end early. Good time for me to do project if there is any (apart from FYP)! Went to Shikin house for Hari Raya dinner at night. Met up with my attachment colleagues and chatted from the start of the dinner till the end of the dinner. The meal whipped up by her mum and dad was delicious except I was not really hungry. Kind of wasted! 

Played badminton on Wednesday and the whole session was fantastic as almost 3/4 of the class were playing together. Played till everyone was totally drain of energy before the whole session came to an end. Think every Wednesday will be a sporting day for the class and I will be looking forward to it! Thursday will be the day some people will not look forward to it as it will be the day your ass, your hand and your leg will begin to ache and you will suffer the aftermath of the session!

Tomorrow will be the start of the week and I will have a make up lesson for my stupid tourism module as 1 of the lesson will be cancel due to Deepavali. Don't understand why the teacher must be so calculative, unlike the world issue lecturer who will not hold any make up class for the lesson cancel for the same reason. Tomorrow will be also the start of another week of FYP and stoning during lesson!

Work at OG yesterday and it left me a deep impression of it. I believe that will be the place I wish to be posted there. It is simply so terrible. Sales was bad, management was bad (to me), environment was SO new to me but journey was from home was short! Handphone, wallet, cigarette and lighter are prohibited in the sales floor (for the sales person and staff only!) and 7 hours without handphone made me feel so uneasy. Had very early dinner (at 2:30 pm) as my only friend there from other brand work in the morning shift. Ate at KFC, ordered shroom meal and ordered the new fiery hot wings. The wing is fantastic but it is just a bit of dry. 

Felt like quitting my part-time job as it seem like school work is pilling up and it really time to get serious with my school work. If I quit my part time job, my enjoyment life will be cut as well. Not really sure what to do as I really enjoy working especially in centre point. Its really hard to find a job which is so fun and relaxing!

Realize 1 thing, the number of sticks of cigarette smoked per day have drop drastically till 1 packet of cigarette can last for 5 days. Previously, 1 pack can only last for 1 1/2 day. Felt so proud with the statistic.

it's you and me <3
8:44 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finally school is reopening! Been a long time since I ever step into the school compound to attend lectures/ tutorial! Think 8 months will be the exact duration. This 8 month thing have changed and many life lesson attended. Finally understood by the phrase used by most of the working adult, "Education is the ticket for interview". 

Think this semester will be crucial semester for me as it will really decide on my future! University is difficult to enter especially Chemical Engineering. Will try my best and try my luck to study for test and exam. Jia You Alvin!

Love life will be secondary as studying will be the primary goal for this few month. Think many people will be laughing when they read the sentence as studying is something which most people can't see me do, even my mum have a hard time asking me to study! 

Anyway, I finally left my comfort and became slightly adventurous by starting up face book account which is totally alien to me. So this few day I will not be blogging much as I am trying to explore the website!

it's you and me <3
6:14 AM

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hardly have the chance to be at home during day time, especially on weekend! Thanks to the night shift which commence tonight, if not I will be down for work today. Slept for about 12 hours, woke up a few time to message people and went back to sleep after that. My head was aching once I open my eyes and I know that I definitely will have a tired night tonight as I don't think I will be able to sleep back again to recharge my energy for tonight's 12 hours shift!

Yesterday I had my first shift of the week. Morning shift which commence work at about 730 am (for handover), forcing everyone to meet at chinese garden at 7 am. I have to wake up at 5 am, leave my house at 5.45 am and reaching chinese garden a few minutes before 7. Terrible way to start a day. What made it worst was the shift handover session with the previous shift (from NYP). They seem to be make the situation difficult for NP student by posting tons of question and became very defensive when question is posted back to them. Just wondering why must they make things difficult for us, the reason for us to be there is exactly the same reason why they are there; to learn. Felt so sorry for our trainer as it seem to reflect badly on him. Screw the NYP trainer who taught them to be so aggressive and defensive. It is just a simple handover session and why must they transform it to be a war zone? May be the batch have not been to their attachment, have not really seen the industries yet, resulting in such a behavior. Think if they carry this type of attitude to their attachment company and be aggressive when asking question and defensive when question is posted, they will never be likable by the people there. I word to say their behavior, CHILDISH!

I won't be working during this weekend and this seem to be so weird. Weekend was always burnt by work and it been a very long time since I really have the chance not to work. Felt kind of uneasy as it have been a habit to work and work. Staying at home also means that I will not have the chance to smoke! 

Going to have a very early dinner today as I need to be at chinese garden by 7 pm. Don't even know where exactly my parent are planning to go for dinner. And to think of it, I have not think of what to eat for supper tonight. Really hope that my group will agree with the idea of ordering Pizza! Had golden pillow yesterday and everyone was amazed by how delicious the curry was and why we didn't order it for the past few weeks. It was kind of cheap, $4 plus each and it was kind of filling. Hope we have the chance to order it again. 

it's you and me <3
11:06 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shift work have officially started and today is my off day but I decided to convert my time off to money by working today. Tomorrow will be another day which I will convert to money ^-^ 

Yesterday lesson at CPTC was real wet. Dry run were being carried out, under the scorching sun. Wet run was the best as it made everyone wet! For the whole day, we learn how to handle the fire hoses and learn about how we can contain the fire within a small area by cooling the other area with different type of water pattern. It seem like the wind will always blow against the water direction and bringing the water toward us! Everyone was totally drenched and our shoe became cups that collect water which flows down our jumpsuit. Imagine wearing a super wet jumpsuit and having wind blowing at you, flu will be the consequences. Had minor flu today, it was kind of irritating. After the lesson, we (Daren, Sheng Long, Jia Jun, Chun Rong, Alex, Rui Jie, Fang Yi, Jie Ying, Pei Fen and ME!) went to Holland Village for dinner. Took very long time to decide where to settle down for dinner. The final decision was at this small restaurant called Breko and I ordered beef sandwich for dinner. The bread was kind of hard but the filling was great. Dinner proceeded smoothly until the rain starts to fall. It was an heavy downpour which took a very long time to subside. As the rain was so heavy that the rain can't stop splashing onto our food/table, we have no choice but request for a switch of table. By the time we change our table, everyone had finished their main course and some of them were waiting for the desert. As it look strange having an empty table, we start to order beer. Its my fourth time touching alcohol  within 2 week. Had a fun time gathering. Journey home was miserable, trying to control my bladder which seem to be very filled with urine. Luckily, some kind sole accompany me throughout the journey by chatting with me. I controlled from Holland Road to Ang Mo Kio before I finally found a toilet. 

Today's work was fun as everyone near my counter was FUN! Chatted for very long time today. Jocelyn was on duty and I asked her about her driving test. Sadly she flung it because of some inconsiderate Taxi driver who do not give way to driver who is undergoing their practical test. SCREW THEM! I almost had an accident involving Taxi. TAXI again, don't understand why are they driving when they can't even follow the basic safety rules on the road. Endangering peoples life and their own life. Wonder why can't they simply just use a short period of time to think before driving recklessly. Must a person involve in an accident before he/she can learn? I hope not as accident can be fatal!

Back to the working part. Sales was very bad initially as many of the customer are "PAO" (A term used in the sales industry, referring to people who asked tons of question without buying). Every counter surrounding my counter had already issued at least 1 bill when I am still occupied with all the "PAO". Finally, my egg got broken with the first bill which worth $228. My mood turn for the brighter side as my mood was bad in the morning. Sales start to pick up and I starts to get busy entertaining aunties who asked tons of question before settling the bill. Most of the customer I served are aunty whose age is around 40 and above years old. They are all my money tree! I felt very proud whenever anyone praise my service or praise the confidence I have. It always make my day! (Who doesn't?) And I realize that only Aunty will give praises and that why I love to serve them (minus their nagging will be the best!). At the very end of the day, I finally HIT my target! Love the feeling of accomplishment as all the effort put in had finally made it. Think my commission is about $25 ^_^ Tomorrow will be another day working. Let hope that the sales will be great!

Had dinner with my family at Kovan. My dad wanted to eat the Old Punggol Mee Goreng as he kind of missed it since it shifted away from its old location at Punggol End. Order a few dishes which was served hour after we placed our orders. Service was slow, staff seem to be very stress up and some of the food tasted so-so while the rest are superb! We packed home the Mee Goreng as it was the last dish served. Can't wait to try it as most of the critics seem to be positive about their Mee Goreng. 

As Irene Leong is ill, the party world plan tonight with her and Caslyn was being postpone. Hope Irene will recover as soon as possible and we can be out to enjoy. Wonder how will the outing be like. 

it's you and me <3
5:39 AM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


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