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Thursday, August 30, 2007

today was just another boring and sian day... even going out to teach my couson dun even made my time pass very fast... i dunnoe why... haiz.. may be my mood?? may be i am simpli just wasting my ime....

when you have notin to do ... ur timewill pass slowly.. even i have thing to do... i dun think i can achieve what i have wanted to do when i am doing the thing...sometime i feel that it is simply waste of time doing thing...when... haiz....

i realise that people from nchs look mmore xia lan day year by year... omg even the student walk like going fighting like that haiz... so scay lar.. today go compass point make me feel like going to a battle ground like that... all like ready to fight like that ....

few more day than i can go to work.. reali sick of my present life.. simply just dunnoe why... cause am i trying to keep my dream alive or simply the dream have start todissapear.. i realli dunnoe.. day by day i seem like i dunnoe what am i doing... living aimlessly? or what... or am i simply living for the sake of somthing...

i am not going to commit sucide..so dun worri.. but sometime.. when i reflect i feel that i am simpli wasting my time and making myself miserabledoing something i dun realli wish to do .. or even not doing anithing...

if i realli can chose my life.. how i wish i can travel alone.. going around the world taking photo(may be... and that what i think i will do... cause that what i am interested in).... dun have to worry so much... dun have to think money enough to spend ...how to sustain or to imrove relationship... or even whether the person beside me is happi....

haiz... if onli i can....

it's you and me <3
7:56 AM

Monday, August 27, 2007

hmm... just reach home after watching 881 again.. with my parent this time.. haha hmm.. the aunty and uncle so noisy lar.. keep on toking non- stop!!! spoil my mood lar.. haha

but oday happi is that it rain almost the whole day.. haha i simply just love the cold weather.. haha hmm... but today didnt reali stay at home the whole dae today... hmm.. haha but just now got use my com... haha.... start to edit the video...haha....but now.. i decided to give up.... and redo a new one again.... cause it simpli suck... haiz..wish me luck to edit it within hmm.. let me see... haha hmmm...1 nite??haha... me try bah... that why me always realli pei fu those editor who edit movie shots.... OMG lar..dunnoe everyday have to cheong...and sometime find that what you have done simpli just dun look well... haiz...

not going to type more.. going start my work liao .... haha ooo i realise that i have not sign in to msn quite often this week... haha

it's you and me <3
11:31 PM

Thing seem to get betta with my dar... we can speak what on our mind now... not like the pass... hmm... indeed an improvement... may be we all grow up le bah... or may be we are mature laio ...(i mean our brain mature... not our looks!) haha hmmm

but thing is not getting beta for me... my stupid computer isnt doing very well... despite doing all the scanning for what ware and what ware lar... haiz.. me haven save finnish also hang lar... shit lar. dunnoe how to complete on time... haha

But is okay... today did my basic theory test... pass liao .. haiz... but the advance theory still have to wait for 2 more month lar.. haiz.. so sian lar... considering take pdl and learn driving first ... than when i finnish my advance theory can like book exam date liao .. haha hmm.. but my sis say if dun have adncae difficult cause hor.. what you will be learning will be kind of limited lor.. so sian lar....

2 more day to my 2 month anniversary with my dar dar lo,.... haha hmmm what more her last day of exam toooo .. haha... but sian lar.. my papa ask me to acc him to go for his company 7th month dinner.. haiz.. hmmm...see how bah...

today me stick to the computer for almost the whole day lar... until evening like 6 like taht than stop.. after dinner jiu back again haiz...so sian lar.... my eye going to pop out lo.. haha if i stare at the screen even longer... hmm.. me got to go and stick my eye back liao ....


it's you and me <3
5:42 AM

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Freak.....i realise today was not a very good day for me to use the computer... haha i wasn't able to sign into msn... hmm... and the program i am using was like gibing alot of trouble lar... haiz... keep make me feel so pek chek lar... haiz.. imagine have to keep on do the same part over and over again... wat more with my rusty skills.. haha hmmm.. it seem like i have realli forgotten alot of what i have learn....

I just dun understand why the com just cant let me complete such a important project... haha hmm... freak lar.. haiz..... today alot of people burning the joss paper lar.. haha my whole hosue smell like that haha... hmm... i thought tml is like than 15 of the lunar 7th month... haha

today is such a boring sunday lar.. notin i can do .. haha start work next sunday lor.. haiz.. tml than have exam .. haha hmmm just pray hard haha....can pass my basic haha.. cause so mani people sae is easi to pass haha.... so hmm.. hope i can be 1 of them telling other that it is easy to pass lor.. haha

Today not much interesting tv programm aired lar... haiz.. even channel 55 haiz... notin much lar.. yesterday miss almost 75% of the superstar..sadly they dun have an encore telecast today.. if not i will be stuck infront of the tv instead of a feaking computer.. haha

1 more week before i can work..ani suggestion what i can do to kill the time???

it's you and me <3
12:34 AM

Saturday, August 25, 2007

did someone sae exam is over??? haha hmmm yesh yesh my exam over liao !!! haha finalli ... me already spend half of the 3 year in poly liao.. haha waiting for year 3 haha but still long way to go .. 6 more month than i can be in year 3 haha... hmmm...this sem seem to pass soooooo dam fast.. haha despite the fact that i have not done much of my tutorial!!! haha every sem the thing i do on my own is lesser while work that i copy increases... haha hmm... may be already habit laio bah.. haha now waiting for result bah... haiz....

just pray hard that i can maintain my grade from last sem jiu hao le.. haha neber expect much .. haha hmm.... so ti gong bo bee.. haha....

so holiday start liao lar.... 7 weeks haha... 49 days... what can i do?? work and sllp and eat and go out?? haiz.. thinking how to kill time jiu sian .. haha singapore so small where to go?? haha walk here walk there all the same de... even the people all look the same de mah ... right??? haha

want to go genting.. haha but see the recent newspaper... so many bus driver take drug and drive... even the bus also got problem... OMG lar.. haha so how to go up to the genting moutain/hill safety... not say is impossible lar.. but what if i am unliucky to take that faulty bus with the problemetic driver?? gosh! dun want die in some foreign land leh... 7th month only got 31 day leh... than if die there need to travel back to singapore by than tooo tired to enjoy liao wor.. still ahve the leave earli so can go back on time... haiz....

oooya watch the show 881 liao .. not bad wor.. haha though the song they sing are like hmm... hokkien song.. haha lucklily my hokkien is not that lousy lar.. so still can understand the word that come out from the speaker... haha just dun understand why all the getai singer have to sing sad sad song with a happi face still must dance huh??? the song is like asking someone to let him/her to die lar or what poor life lar.. all that leh... wah than the poor getai singer still have to yeo and sing.. just to entertain the first good brother seated on the first role of the audience role and the tee ko seated on the second row of the audiecne seat... haha

it's you and me <3
12:57 AM

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sometimes i feel insignificant to u that the feeling u gib to me i dunnoe y i have thiz feeling thiz fw day....mae be iz due to exam or due other unknown thingy... or mae b i am just too demanding...

sometimes i make u feel moody bcause of sum stupid thing that came out frm my mouth...

sumtime because of my stupid request which make u feel irritated....

l realli hope to b a good boifriend of urs...n i realli wan u to be the person to spend my rest of life wib....

dar promise me that if anithing u arent happi bout u will tell me kk? n ani problem we have we must find solution to overcome it instead of initiate a break-up kk cause i realli dun wan to loose u again and i realli love ya.....

Dear will u promise me?

it's you and me <3
9:12 AM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How long haven l blog? hmm let me c maybe l week le bah haha kind ob busy this week cause exam since nw i m nw slacking instead of studying i decided to blog if not tiz blog wiil b dead liao haha

yesterday my dardar e first paper of her first exan in poly wor....dun forget our deal hor muhaha

yesterday my paper was great all the hint the teacher give all came out haha bt tml de iz horrible cause it seem like i dun understand a single shit I have studied so praying hard for tml exam...

it's you and me <3
12:17 AM

Saturday, August 11, 2007

hmm... now a3 am plus plus and now i am still at my aunt house....haiz..waiting for some of my cousin to come home than we can leave lor.... haiz... think by the time i reach home will be at around 6 am plus plus or even 7 plus liao .. haiz.. becasue of some personal reason that why i have to stay at my aunt house till now... left my house at around 10 plus... than reach here at 12 haha,.... haiz...everyone was kind of anxious and also scared lor.. haiz... but luckily everything was fine... haiz.... now waiting for their return from the A and E the worst thing is that is from A and E cause it will take century for them to finnish checking up... haha have a bad experience there before... haha so it was bad lor

haiz,.... today my stomach was so dam the bad lor... my stomach was aching even after Sh*ting me still feel terrible.. haiz... dunnoe what happen liao .. haha my stomach seem to be getting kind of week this few month... haha shitting is good as it make my country smaller lar.. hah but dun have that time to go and shit... haha

exam coming liao lor... haiz... today was like doing my other module the notes... the ahrdworking boiu is kind of slow today .. haha casue i did onli abit onli not very much haha... just onli 70% of the tips given haha.... haha tomolo have to continue the rest haha...today receive a msg from the NDc... haha my appointment was suppose to be on next wednessday....but the msg was like on monday haha...so it was kin of mix up.. haiz.. .what more the thing is that monday not really very free cause got side visit.. haha so dunnoe how.. cause if change the appointment than it wikll tkae like another 6 week to see my dentist again lar.. haha

ooo today was so dam fun lar.. .went to giant tampinese de to buy longan .... more than 3 kg wor.. haha dam lots lar.. haha cause last year during this time the longan we buy was dam lots lar.. and is dam tasty.. haha should go try wor... haven not tried this year the longan haha... but just hope it will tast as good or even beta than last year....

it's you and me <3
12:24 PM

Friday, August 10, 2007

i have not blog for sooooo dam long liao lar... hmm since today now waiting for my mother to be alright before i can go bath and slp me decided to blog blog awhile... haha

i realli fnd that i have change alot... from the person who have to eat chillie for most of the food now can live without chillie haha... what more the person who is the least likely person to go home and study is studying again... haha that what more the person who hardly go to the libary goes to the libary for serious buisness....STUDYING... haha wow.. haha i am kind of proud of myself for all the change.. haha may be cause of my dar.. haha i have to win her.... we have a bet with my dar dar to see who will get higher GPA... haha hmmm so can those who ready my blog wish me good luck? haha

today went to school for 1 stupid and waste time lecture.. haha hmm the blood lecturer was like blah blah blah and dun even gib me abit of tips haha...so go there lar 1 hour waste time... haha what more me reach shool so dam earli today lar.. .30 minutes earli than usual.. haha thank to the school shuttle bus... haha

after than the guai guai me whn to amk lib to study.. haha saw this uncle and other who make use of the cushion as their table.. hmm.. me follow them.. haha kind of good idea haha... so me study lar.. clear one of my 4 credit de module.. haiz.. onli theory part.. the claculation still long long way to go lar.. .haha starting to do my other module de notes.. haha ...... when i told my friend that i am going to study she was like staring at me saying it is hard to believe that i am studying.. haha am i realli that bad??/ haha

after study with my dar dar.. went for lunch...quite a nice lunch.. haha but too bad me make it toooo salty... haha dun have the tolerance for salty food haha.... so like drink so dam lot of water today./...

after walking back to the libary she decided to leave...so we went out and take bus home... haha acc her go cut hair...so dam funni lar.. haha first time me acc my girlfriend go cut hair.. and she also frist time being acc by her boyfriend to go cut hair... today we were like saying same word at the same time for several time lar.. haha great mind thnk alike.. haha \

went home after sending her home... number 3 as usual was so dam the slow... may be 3 represent tjhe speed it is travelling.. haha near my door step me saw my door open with a few more shoes in front.. me noe that my ah yee was here... neber expect my ah ma was here too.. haha well.. did not realli entertain them... me continue write my ntoes and also pass my cousin her Amath notes.. haha see me so good....

after that me take a long break.. haha send my grandma home.. than go to quality hotel and eat buffet.. haha well.. eat so dam lot lar.. me and my cousin can eat alot wor.. haha realli dam lot.. haha ...before we went in we took some pic.... than when we were on diff car... my cousin was like calling me and ask me to send her the pic through bluetooth.. haha so dam funni lar... we were both in 2 diff car and was like have to send bluetooth.. haha but it wasnt successfull .. haha cause may be the distance btwn the 2 car wasnt consistent.. haha

wah tye finnish liao ... my ma still haven okay! GOSH!

it's you and me <3
8:13 AM

Thursday, August 2, 2007

hmmm.. think now feeling beta liao .. haha cause met my dear just now... notin realli happen much between both of us... just that may be i am just over sensitive haha...

lately i have not been blogging oftenly... may be just kind of busy or tired.. hmm... but this week seem not to be my week... today miss my shuttle bus to go school...so took the public transport to school.. haha kind of late but luckily neber miss much of the revision.. haha cause the revision dam important de.. haha cause the lecturer always gib the hint is exactly from the exam quest de.. haha but sad that i heard from my teacher that i did not do very well for my anchem test which i top the class before.. i reali have to get into study mood... if not me will be slacking forever... i think i am realli very complacent lar.. that why keep on thinking that i dun study can do well.. WAKE UP ALVIN! haiz.....

tml prac test.. think will not do much.. since is PRAC.. haha if not prac may be study still got use.. haha 3 more weeks to holiday .. hurray... but 2 more week to exam .. BOOHOO.. haha tomolo breakfast doughnut wor.. haha... from sunte de wor.. haha hmm... neber try before ...they say dam nice de..haha... but haven eat yet.. so looking forward for my breakfast tml... haha

1 more test next week and jiu exam... haha hmm... because my test is some software de..tml have to carry such a heavy bag to go school lar.. SOBX! haha cause have to stuff my laptop into bag lar.. haha

it's you and me <3
5:24 AM

Reading ur entry make me feel so helpless... i dunnoe whether the entry was about the question i asked u... i dunno was the entry was about me... but what eva it is.. i just feel so stupid to ask u the question....

i noe i am not a perfect person... no one is perfect in this world too... i noe i am not tall or good in things other people are good in.. i amnot romantic or anithing... i dun evenoe my action will cause u to be slightly moody...and i tried to some how control u ... i just dunnoe.... am i realli that useless? i realli dunnoe?

all i noe...no matter how tired i am... i am still willing to wake up earli to meet u... go home late just to meet u... cause u have made my life so complete that i am willing to sacrifice some of the thing which is important to me just for u....

i realli want this relationship to last.... to last till the very day that both of us leave the world...i realli hope that this dream is not just a dream...i hope it can turn to reality .....i realli wish it to happen!

it's you and me <3
3:14 AM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
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August 2009
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March 2010
April 2010
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August 2010
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March 2011
April 2011


Believe me - Dima Bilan