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Sunday, July 29, 2007

hmm..the end of my weekend for this week.. haha wellll.. to summerise what i have done.... haha is notin lor.. haha everymoment in this week is being used to cheong project.. haha so notn i have gain haha..so rotting day by day... now new report to finnish again... gosh! haha but luckily tml dun have to go school.... so wun die easily yet.. haha today work so bad lar.. the sales so dam the bad lor.. haha dunnow why they build vivo lar.. so dam quiet.. haha working today... me ate my yong tao foo for the second time haha...so dam nice lar.. haha just that so dam the much.. haha worth walking over to eat....

hmm...today 1 month wor!!haha so dam happi!!!! hmm dar dar... realli thx for being there always kk.. haha.. dun worri,... me wun be emo so easily liao kk..

i think my blog entry is getting shorter and shorter day by day...soon it will just be....notin! hahaha

it's you and me <3
5:59 AM

Saturday, July 28, 2007

hmm...few day i have not blog liao .. haha finalli weekend liao .. haha but quite a bad day for me.. cause have to work and to listen to all the politic which had hapen in my working department lately.. just dunnoe why people just cant work in peace.. the aunty the trouble maker.. the lady also another touble maker.. so sian lar.. haiz.. realli feel like quiting.. hmm not because of the politic... but the company just cant allow me to work during weekdays during my holiday.. so is like wasting of my time to stay at home.. even find a job also weird what .. where got people want to have sales promoter for monday to friday onli.. haha they want is weekend lor.. what more if i work weekday cum week ends... without break.. how can? than i will die lar.. cant see my dar dar lar

ootml is my one moneth with her liao .. haha finalli wor.. haha had a wonderful day with her yesterday .. haha the more i see her the more sticky i go.. gosh haha cant imagine one day i am without her... i will die!!!

it's you and me <3
7:36 AM

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

now doing my report at my school de club... haha do till wana slp haha...sian lar.. haiz.. half way done liao .. haha trying to be neat and tidy for my this report.. aniway later me will stay back in school and try to finnish it asap.... haha cause tml onward another new report... haha than die lar.. cause this one going to use some stupid graph call the pyscometric graph or something like that... haha realli pei fu the person who go and plot this graph lar.. haha cause it is dam complicated lar..haha

ywan! today wake up late cause me nua in my bed.. haha this few day feel like nuaing lar.. haha may bbe got my dar de syndrome liao .. haha tan take bus... dam cold lar.. haiz.. dunnoe why this few day just can tahan cold leh.. may be tooo tired to keep myself warm bah... haha haiz...
earli in the morning go atten lecture which make me even more tired! haha sian lar.. haiz.. me realli wish to clear all my proj so that i can concentrate during lesson well.. even not concentrate during lesson also have 1 less thing to worri about haha

hmm on the 6th go site visit... so dam cool lar.. haha cause me neber been to jurong island lor.. haha can call me some moutain tortise lor.. haa cause i wun mind people calling me that .. haha cause i am one too! haha but imagine go there see waste water... haha so smelling than u go home people sit beside u haha than how will they look like... hmm green face? haha

today till now have not seen my dar yet.. haiz..i am realli stick xia.. haha me is glutinous rice liao ..

it's you and me <3
9:19 PM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

hmmm...finalli got time to blog another entry liao .. haha so sian lar.. now dam sian... haiz.. going to slp... haha now attenting the safety lecture again ... slp lar... realise that my academic week ending soon.. haha that mean going to have holiday liao.. haha so happi lar.. haha but still have to undergo exam lor... haiz...

just now during lunch me relise that me have visited the atm like 2 time from monday till now liao wor.. haha power xia.. haha realli not a year to save money.. haha just like the song all good thing by nelly.. haha money to ash! haha... that why bank also lft ashes nia.. haha

dunnoe what time going home...hmm just noe that going home alone from amk haha...sad sad.. cause non of my classmate stay near my house.. haha so have to go home alone haha...been weeks since i go home alone.. haha cause mostly go with my dar dar lar.. haha...now looking out the window ii am seeing dark clouds... haha rain rain... happi lar.. just hope that later wun rain when i walk home... haha cause dun want to get wet...

going home what should i do? ....may be do my report xia... haiz.. what else can i do... may be have my afternoon nap bah.. haha oya today gooten my test which i had done yesterday ... quite bad... haha... 60% nia.. and this tet is 20% of my FINAL score.. haha made 4 stupid mistake this paper... and it cause me like 25% lar.. haha my formula for total surface area for sphere is like 4/3piR^2 than my volume of a sphere is like 1/3piR^3 haha gosh... than my conversion of degree celcius to kelvin is like adding 235 instead of 273.15... worst is reading of graph.. haha got the whole question wrong lar.. haha 8/50 leh.... that is like 16% liao lor.. haha the worst thing is that me noe how to do... ARGH! just that look the wrong value from the graph! F**K...

it's you and me <3
11:28 PM

finally... have time to blog liao .. hmm..seem like every wednessday me will have an earli entry... haha 1 report done test over liao ... haha so feeling beta lo.. haha...hmm..yesterday test was horrible haha..forget all my secondary school learn de formula lar.. haiz.. than the graph me did not see properly...wasted more than half the paper de mark.. haha if i can pass jiu hao le.. haha

yesteday was such a cooling day... haha it just dun feel like singapore haha... cause the weather was neber like that here... haha gosh! how nice the singapore will be if everyday the weather will be minusing the falling tree branhes.. haha yesterday was like witness 1 myself.. haha the tree brunch at bukit timah fell off after a small breeze .. haha hit the shelter.. not anione head... haha if it head aniones head.. hmm..than i dun have to tell it online cause news paper will tell u everythig haha

yesterday nite went allll the way to the east west side of singapore just to eat char kwey tiao... haha so dam lots of vege lar.. the uncle was also friendly.. hmmm 3 dollar..kind of ex... haha but the vege can cover the whole plate of kway tiao.. haha

i realise i am getting shorter and fatter.. haha me going to be a teapot soon.. haha so me can stat singing the nursery rhym haha.... i am a little teapot short and........... so long lar.. haha

told my dar dar yesterday... hoping that our story will not end like the liang shan bo and his lover... so sad lar.. cause i dun want to turn into butterfly...(i hate them by the way!), doesnt end like romeo and julia...cause 1 die.. so sad!, titanic... cause i dun want to be in the freezing cold water like the machine from transformer... niether like the nu lang and zhi nu.. just so sad that they can meet onli once a year.... hmm.. may be like hmm... shrek? haha cause both lived hapily ever after,... haha aniway both are fat... hmm.. but u are slim! haha

my next test is on tuesday.. haha hmm haven study yet.. and realli dun feel likke studying haha cause dam tired.. haha... oya still have report to cheong tooo.. haha haiz.,.. the moral of story is dun study science haha...cause the report is horrible...! u cant crap and u cant bullshit in it... is all so factual! what more u cant copy cause you have to do the calculation!

it's you and me <3
6:09 PM

Monday, July 23, 2007

may be when i am kind of moody i think slightly serious... not realli that moody today.. but just the lack of slp and the rainny season make me feel just kind of tired... while waiting for my bus home today... i was like stone there looking at how the rain hit the ground....i was just like completely isolated despite all the people trying to scream and shout till their first milk they ever drink in their life come out...

during the time while i was like on my isolated mode... i was thinking...seriously..... and i have realise how PREPARED i am to do things.... i simply have not make full use of my time.. i dunnoe why... i realise that i have time at home to study but i was like listening to radio and rot... and now.. tml test.. and dun even have the mood to study.... somepeople might blame it is relationship... but to me it is not..cause even before me get into the relationship me already wasting my time... i just dunnoe why.... may be i should realli look into how i spend my time and money... i this year was like a bad year for my finaicial... just be cause i working? or just because me dun want to loose to other people... i just dunnoe! semmly dunnoe... the last time i have this type of mood was 2 year ago... after some very bad thing just happen to me... today notin bad happen to me...other than me realise that my time is like dam short... and me have been wasting it.... but it make me feel the same again....

i realli dun wish to study lar(may be just dun feel like nia!) project was like so dam lots.. not sae i cant manage... i can manage.. but just dun like the time that u have to do everything again and again... like looking ur lecture notes for like 10 time without anithing getting into your brain? what more u have to work? especially working is now getting more and more boring? with more and more politics? wth you noeing more and more poeple's true color... (just becasue of money and love!) and that happen in your wokrplace... gosh!

whateva unhappy thing i just mention...all can simple be forgoten when i tok about my dar dar... just dam happi when i see her... and beside her... hmm i must be humble.. cant think highly of myself.. haha so i am not going to sae like she cant live without me ... but i am going to sae i cant live without u.... everystory will have its own ending.. and i hope that our story can end in the happiest andbeautiful way.... cause dar i realli love you!

it's you and me <3
5:50 AM

Sunday, July 22, 2007

hmm..after putting down the phone after chatting with my dar dar.. me decided to come online and cheong my project,.. gosh! it is killing me lar.. haha me reallise how bad i am with my IT haiz...so malu.. haha today was like working like crazy again lar.. but not as quiet as yesterday haha so manage to do some sales.. haha ooya today was like argueing with my supervisor cause he say that one of the renoma shoes is made from calf leather (it is sold at 175 dollar lar!) than i was like telling him nono that is synthetic leather lar.. haha but he keep on insist that it is calf leather.. please.. even it is calf leather it will be like from dead baby calf lar.. so hard.. still sae calf leather.. than he was like saeing eh it is 175 dollar leh.. haha wah 175 nia lor.. expect good leather.. haha money like dam big like that

today had lunch with my colleague haha well think it will be the weirdest meal i ever had cause the conversation was not realli pleasing for me to listen.. haha so manage to spend my 1 hour listen her crap lar haiz.. bad day right

but sad to hear that one of my colleague leaving soon.. she is such as nice person to work with lar.. haiz.. why dunnoe so mani people quit recently haiz.. they say the place toooo queit liao so dam boring haha but to me okay lar.. haha what to do ,.. the place so small.. haha

haha ate durian today again.. so happi.. haha second time in the month lar.. haha so shiok lor.. haha haiz... tml than will suffer lar. cause eat too much durian and dun drink enough water

ooo tml meeting my dar dar.. today 4th week lo... haha dar dar... dun worir... me still lub ya dam much... but realli.. haha i am sooooo busy this week.. so may not have much time to spend with you... i noe u will understand,.. haha but what eva it is hope that everything wil go very smoothly for both of us... haha so we wun feel so pekchek easily,.... haha

haiz... now doing and cheong my report..just dun want to have so manithing to pile up than tml (tuesday ) have test.. haiz.. haven even study lar.. shit lar.. haiz.. just hope wun fail bah ...wish me luck kk

it's you and me <3
9:02 AM

Thursday, July 19, 2007

24 hour have pass... and my slp is still negative.. haha me realise that this few day i can slp on bus liao ... (previously i cant even slp lar!) haha but realli dam good lar... slp liao it make the journey shorter... but some time it make you feel even more pekchek.. cause it seem like the bus is not moving!!!

1 more day to weekend! hurray! but 3 more day than i can see my dar liao ... haha cause tml and week end cant see her... haiz... luckily got hp lar.. if dun have jiu die... haha today me irritated my dar dar... cause her to feel kind of pek chek,.... feel so bad lar... dar.. if i realli make you angry than you bah me this doughnut eat diao bah... so you can b happie lor.... and sad that today cant send you to your home... haha cause kind of late....

haiz.. today also dam pekchek ... haha earli in the morning the presentation was horrible.. i think this is the worst presentation i ever presented... not the content no good.. but is that dunnoe what have gotten into me.. cause i am not like the usual me when i present... it make me feel so weird and dissapointed..... but luckily the teacher quite impress with our work lar.. if not... haiz.. .

i declare today my soul is not in my body.. haha is hanging near my body nia.. haha that explain the unsual occurance.. haha tml got lab again.. haha hope i wun drop and break and equipment again lar.. haiz... sian .. report have not done yet...far from completetion.. and after tml.. new report have to do again.. .hear from my class mate that this one is dam difficult lar.. haiz... just hope can have some idea what is this experiment is toking tml.. haha

still thinking tml should i go to imm during my 3 hour break or go there after my school to take things from my friend.. haiz.. dam far leh.. haha see how lar.. see my mood too ...haha she is not my friend.. haha she is my gan jie! haha she and me work always got dam lots of fun de.. haha but haiz.. sad sad.. me dun work the same place with her liao .. haha

hmm... let me see what can i do now... i realli dunnoe! haha think that rotting will still be the best 1 haha...

it's you and me <3
5:18 AM

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Muhaha... back at home ... after seeing my dar and climb up 13 floor wor.. haha cool lar.. haha every time when with her time fly lar.. haiz.. god.. cant you gib me more time to spend with her? haha

wah today the pizza dam lots lar.. haha 5 large pizza 1 regular pizza.. haha dam power lar.. we order in 2 batch lar.. first batch from pizza hut the second batch from canadian pizza.. haha ate the pizza hut the new cheese thingy... wah the cheese dam cheesy lar.. eat liao dam weird lar.. haha just feel like vomiting wor.. haha but okay lar.. ate 4 peices wor.. haha but the teacher pay 100 dollar plus wor.. we all feel so dam paiseh lar.. all contribute 2 dollar each lor.. just dun want his pocket to be dam big lar.. haha

hmm..... now at home rotting.. haha tml still got 8 am the lesson wor.. haiz.. fain lar.. haha but hope than tml can be dam smooth bah.. haha and hope me can last me till friday bah... haha saturday still have to work. haa what more....by monday have to submit my report.. haha to think that the procedure is already 1500 words wor.. haha cant imagine the whole report will be how long wor.. haha

oya the theme song for the movie 881 dam funni lar.. haha the first 4 hokkien sentence dam cute lar.. dam meaninful lar. haha

it's you and me <3
4:50 AM

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hmm... haha feeling kind of shiok today.. haha did mani thing today... haha decided not to turn up for the meeting.. haha... sms the presi saying that me accept his decision on my dismissal liao .. haha can sae me timid or what ever.. but me realli dun want care liao .. cause me realli too busy to care for other thing liao ... so i am happi cause i gave myself A BREAK!

now having lesson haha..safety lecture.. wahlao..so sian lar... safety...if you in time of danger you still can remeber what you have learn... haha than i call you god! haha

today settle some stuff like doing my project.. haha tml 1 presentation.. haha 20% of my final result leh.. haiz..but think we already do till not bad liao lar.. 4 guys what u expect.. haha got butterfly all that meh? haha fat hope! haha

today get to see my dar dar again! haha so happi.. haiz..dun think can see her for like 4 days lar.. haiz.. sob sobx.. haha if can see her everyday jiu hao.. haha so sad diff school lar.. haha...

YAWN... type so long liao my teacher still conitnue naggying... haha power hor.. haha can tok without drink water.. haha but just cant wait for his lesson to finnish.. haha cause got thing to eat liao .. haha if got time also can see my DARDAR haha... gosh.. i am realli sticking to her now.. haha hope she can stick to me too!!! haha well.. think me have to wait dam long xia.. haha

it's you and me <3
11:47 PM

OOOYA after typing so much in my 3 weeks old blog.. me forget to intro my other blog to you..not exactly mine.. but is my group de.. haha and that our proj haha... feel free go and see kk... the link is www.allurme.blogspot.com this one is a informative website which teaches u how to makeup.. haha cool right? gals... go watch and can convice ur boyfriend that they have to wait for u even longer... haha but dar dar... haha hope u wun ask me wait for u so long wor.. haha... not saying i dun want to wait for u to touch up all that... but dun make me wait for so long for th day u put on makup kk... haha

pls feel free to add comment on tag kk.. and its useful tips so must realli try it out wor.. the makeupartist is a real professional kk... wun lie to you de... haha

psss....there a few video inside.. the intro video seem to be the best.. haha got time go and view it kk.. it is done by samatha haha..she is goooood in all this lar.. haha and i should be ashame lar.. haha me learn video de... and seem like cant do anithing in video.. haha bo bian.. me rusty liao .. haha

it's you and me <3
5:24 AM

Dilema dilema... (hope i goten the spelling right... haha simpli just lazy to go check dictionary.. if the spelling is wrong just treat it that it is an sms lingo... muhaha) tommorrw seem to have alot of thing for me to choose lar.. haiz.. should i send her to school? should i go to the club meeting? should i got for my other cca? haiz.. its killing me! my mind and my body seem to ask me do different thing lar..my brain tell me must see her.. my body tell me must have enough rest haiz.. i think tml will go send her to school bah... (if she can meet her friend at 830 lar) haha so i late for 25 minute for meeting lor. haha anyway most of the time i am earli lor.. haha but the cca thingy.. my friend tell me no point going cause all his people..stupid right.. haiz... if i go... what will happen? NOTIN lor.. haiz.. but dun go like dam irresponsible lar.. haiz.. but go there let them critise those stuff (which i have neber do anithing before.. what more dun even noe them!) haiz... DUNNOE LAR DUNNOE LAR

today got to see my dar dar... haiz her mood not that good sobx sobx.. haha but okay lar.. neber eat me up neber kill me jiu hao le.. haha so okay lor.. haha ren my pee from her side till i reach home.. the bus today all dam coperative lar.. just like yesterday... haha alight one bus can board the other bus liao.. haha for once i love sbs.. haha other than that...smrt still the best.. muhaha

reach home bout 545 (if i am not wrong!) bath liao jiu slp till 7 wahaha.. so now feeling kind of shiok.. haha cause hardly had a evening slp cause of my time... haiz.. saturday still have to work.. sunday too..so cant slp very long too.. haha so sian lar.. haiz... just feel like quiting my job lar... haiz.. but not very nice lar.. cause me promise the other manager me will work hard de.. HAIZ.. dilema again.. haha

tml still have to go school do some editing work for my friend.. haiz.. so sad lar.. haiz... dieing soon lar. haiz...i have been doing alot of thing this sem lar.. haiz... just hope that what ever i do is right.. haha if is wrong.. hope that it wun be realli that bad PRAY! Pray!

today dam guai lar.. did my tutorial lar.. haha those who dunnoe me.. let me intro myself lar.. haha i am a avid cpier.. haha my interest in copying.. haha rubbish lar.. is no choice have to copy de.. haha have been compying my homework since dam long time ago... sec 1 haha with my experience in copying haha it encourages me to copy all my assigments.. haha but today got do lar.. i mean the whole tutorial leh... last time is do 1 quest the rest is i manually photocopy into my paper..muhaha...so dam shock lar.. haiz.. stupid lar.. do the method correct but the value all wrong..suck! haha but can lar... hor since lecturer always sae that answer is not important... haha

test and test is comming haha i have to crash my lecture notes liao....haha 2 test leh... 1 got confident 1 is not confident.. the one with confident is 1 out of 4 topics... haha so hope the paper all come out that topic bah.. the other 1 is ....understand 0 out of 6 haha ....and that bad! haha..common test did not study lar. now regret.. haha so now have to study to pull my mark up! haiz.. bo bian me high expectation.. haha

it's you and me <3
5:03 AM

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weekend had been burn! haiz.. my slp!!!! ARGH! yesterday have a very bad flu! so bad that i did not have a good night slp yesterday! haiz... my no sleep marathon going to start again.. this week seem to be another busy week for me.. 1 presentation on thursday ... 1 club thingy on wednessday... 1 report which is far from completeion gosh! ooya still got 1 tutorial to edit...

but is okay... 1 more week to go mean that i have been with her for 1 more week longer liao .. haha finalli today get to see her... haha for 2 day me have not see her leh.. feel so terrible lar.. haiz... dar realli suprise that you still have it.. haha since u are gibing 1 of it... hope that it will bring us even closer just like how close both are in the cartoon world..noeing that the real world and the cartoon world is more stressful and more obsticle to face.... hope we are able to overcome it kkk

haha oooya i pass my test! my first aid course.. haha either i am not stupid or the exam is simple easy.. haha but honestly quite easy lar.. cause the whole class pass! haha so good lar.. haha what more i am able to pass with my nose working so hard trying to produce as much mucus haha..

sian now in class rotting.. haha so decided to blog.. haha ooya gotten thing to pass to my neice.. haiz.. haven tell her yet! alicia... when you free? haha

today tok taxi to her school.. than the uncle got some attitude de lar.. haiz...sae what press the meter liao ...haiz...xia lar.. we tok on the taxi that time we got say go amk mah.. haiz.. lousy uncle lar... my dar dar tok to him he dun even answer... scare we will runaway no paying the cash meh! wah lau... than the machine like dam irritating lar.. everyrise in price the machine will like annouce the price and ask me to check for anithing left behind.. haiz.. stupid and naggy machine! haha

it's you and me <3
7:11 PM

Saturday, July 14, 2007

What a day... haha went to the school do my project liao .. haha went to eat my dinner at old airport road... everything was dam fine... other locating a seats, finding the store we wanted to eat... (toa payoh Rojak!) haiz.. when found the place... haiz.. the store is close liao casue think they earn too much liao .. haha so let people earn more... see so considerate of them .. haha

the worst problem came... my father park his car on the 5th floor and we were so happi when we about to leave the pplace after our pork trotter... hmm... herbal chicken... kang kong... and mani more food .. haha than when the the whole car park de car seem not moving.. we waited fore more than 15 minutes than my ma my jie and me decided to walk down to the first level to check... wah... so suck lar.. waited for so dam long yet notin interesting for us to see...so we went up again lor... than bloody hell.. it jam again...1 hr in the carpark... so FUN right? haha other than got aircon to enjoy, got music to listen.. also got CO to breath in lor.. haha

haiz.. seem like me this few day so dam de sick lar... not just stomach is sick.... also love sick..dar.. see how dependant i am... haiz... realli cant live without u now... muhaha

haiz... while waiting to leave the carpark... i was like waiting for my pa de car at another level when i hear bang sounds... noeing is fire works... me rush toward the grill so to stick my KPO head out to see (admire sound nicer!) in the process of reaching the grill.. my slighly stupid leg went direct into the concrete block! haha what the sound u will hear? OUCH! haha... it is dam dam pain lar...

it's you and me <3
6:44 AM

Friday, July 13, 2007

muhaha..finalli...weekend! haiz..waited for so long just to have a goooood nite slp... but haiz... my slp is being spoilt by my stomach.. haha had a stomach ache again.. haha wake up at 930 lar.. sad lor.. if not can slp till 11 lor.. haha shiok right? haha.. now in school..sian lar.. have to do project haiz.. luckily the project not that bad.. if not i will slp again.. haha

yesterday went to vivo to get my pay.. and kana from my supervisor saeing thati have not been working quite regularly.. haha ya kind of.. haha with so mani prj haha how to work... haha also my slp.. ! dun think the money i earn will cover my medical fee.. haha but okay lar.. haiz.. my fault too.. cause who ask me work lar... haha

yesterday went out ea with my dar dar again....haiz.. made her wait for me again.. haha seem like next time i meet her at 5 must tell her 530 haha..so that she wun have to wait for me... haha she pei me go collect pay and we went to eat... (not eat.. haha but to fill our stomach with lots and lots of food..) haha we went to chinatown and eat.. haha we ordered 10 satay... 1 plate of the fried popiah.. haha (the mix and match the one... dunnoe wat it is called) and 1 claypot rice.. haa wah.. the clay pot dam sucky la.. haha but okay lar.. we all dam good to ourself de.. haha didnt torture ourself to eat that yucky stuff.. haha wanted to go eat tou hua de.. haha caus she scare tat i go home late ( haha weird right? may be you all just wun understand!) haha than we start to take bus to bugis and change... wah the bus we tookwas artic lar... haha i think we were like freezing lor.. haha but not bad leh.. haha at least i can hold her hand through out the jorney.. haha so hope we will take that kind of bus more often haha...

gosh! dunnoe what happen to me.. keep on yawning and have so much tears in my eyes.. haha dunnoe leh.. haha feel so pai seh lar.. haha ... on bus.. yawn liao jiu got tears.. people keep on think i crying lar.. haha weird! haha

OYA dar yesterday 2 weeks liao! hurray! haha hope ur relationship will be this strong... for long!

it's you and me <3
10:04 PM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What a day! bloody hell.. kana sack from this cca club for no reason! haiz... okay may be there is one... opossing some unreasonable president (not the jinx... cause he is not even fit to be my jinx... haha may be some hmm... may be son of some hmm.... dog and cats?...may be!) of the club.. haiz.. the thing is i just gotten back my vice president post and on the spot within a few minute.. off i go... haha dun think i am some stupid to write this kind of ashame thing on my blog.. but NO.. cause i have been like so pissed caused it is a very unreasonable reason to sack me....

the story goes..(pss.... not once upon a time....)

few month ago... haiz... long story xia... i was kana sabo by my jinx... (yesh him again!) and i lost my position in the club! so sad.. but the bloody jinx did not do what he is suppose to do...so i told him lor.. you kick me out of my position and u did not do what you have told other people wat a vice president suppose to do ... than why not gib me back cause i will do betta than him! after some persuasion.. i finali got back... but lost it again! WTF

oo let me intro the son of the bitch to you! foo ce yao is his name... no fear if you noe him tell him about it... cause i will still be firm on writing about him! i am doing some kind deed so that anione who want to research on him when employing him (hope you wun.. if not any staff working with him will leave!) or may be marrying him (worst! if you are a lady pls go to the remaning temple to be nun... if you are a gay... hmm.. than temple to be monk!) ... haha now he is the presi of this club... and he uses the word that i am the president and you are blah blah blah to shut people mouth... wah lau..scare people dunnoe like that ... see you cant smile face also will noe lar.. (dunnoe why he just cant smile.. may be he did some plastic work bah..if you noe him than help me ask him why dun he do his height too?) haiz.. than the thing he sae to me is that i am the president and i chose the committee and i want sack you and that mean you will be sack..(stupid right?! why not ask him buy chicken and face the head toward me...) than i was like telling why not ask the committee.. than he was like saying the committee will all agree de.. (oops forget to tell u that he is in ece yr 3.. but his math like kind of bad! 6/14 and he can sae all will agree...) may be because he stay in singapore long liao everything have to multiply by 2 bah... haha so 6 will multiply by 2 to get 12... bo bian ...

now why i sae it is unreasonable...:
1 : The committee dun even noe me ... how do they noe how i do my work (so propergander de right?)
2: 60 percent of the committee he have chosen is his friend... they just join and got goooood post! (bastard right?)
3. I dun even have time to intro myself.. and he sae bye bye to me...(small brain lar...!)

while reasoning thing with him.. i told him that 1 of the issue i cant attend is because of my experiemnt mah.. bacteria and chemical reaction cannot be control de mah... may be he done too much electricity and some current went into his brain bah... (dun think is may be... should be must be!) he tell me that your own business... HALO! how can you stop atom from reacting and ask bacteria not to reporduce... why not u dun have to ejaculate when you are going to do so lar... realli tok with out brain lar... may bescientist or doctor or professor (if i am lucki to have you visit my blog!) can gib him a tittle bah... some DR foo? may be dr fool bah... haha cause even doctor or professor take so long to think how to do this kind of stuff and he expect me to noe.. haha may be is you all should gib me a tittle.. haha...

haiz,.. have a final decision to be made on next wednessday .. haha casue committee to vote again! haiz.. should noe the result liao .. so sad lar.... for this kind situation.. i dun think i have to blame myself.. cause i have not done anithing as a vp yet infront of the so call new committee.. so what i can do is... JINX! haha poor jinx.. may be i will intro you to him too just wait.. haha may be soon liao .. hor.. sheng long! oops!

it's you and me <3
7:13 AM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Finalli got a chance to update my blog liao .. haha so sian lar.. haiz.. yesterday was a dam long day for me lar.. after school still have to go to my friend house to do filming for my project... haha long long long time neber touch a video cam liao .. haha think my skills also rusty liao bah...haha

haiz.. as long my video done liao jiu hao.. if not cant pass my module lar.. haha GOSH! realli waste alot of my time doing lar.. haiz.. wei le those module that u wun be graded.. haiz.. take like erm.... 3-4 month to do! now at leat 50% done liao.. if not die! haha

this few day the slp not enough leh.. haha yesterday slp at 1 than wake up at 5.30 wor.. haha 4.5 hours to last me for 13 hour today.. haha think superman also cant tahan lar.. haha but lucki today can see my dar dar.. if not no life liao lor.. haha may be my mood also like shit lar...haha

today come school earli just to do project later than have lesson..so now slacking in the project rom... waste my time.. so blog lor.. haha today go school that time listen to one of the radio station today and was like hearing the DJ commenting on the label the china goverment wishes to put on to prove it is safe.. haha imagine the label they also do fake one leh?? haha why the goverment neber think of it? wah lao.. u see their so call disney land.. their milk powder... their... so manithing.. haiz.. if i continue type all the thing.. may be my blog will be so dam the long lar.. haha.... dun worri lar.. there are also thing that are real.. haha but till now cant think of ani... haha

dar.. i noe both of us are busy.. so the chances of meeting within this few day is dam rare... so if there is chance.. haha i will still want to meet u.... cause dun forget.. u are my dearest dardar!!! haha and i am ur... P boifriend.. haha....

it's you and me <3
7:33 PM

Monday, July 9, 2007

1 more day pass liao .. haha one more day nearer to my exam liao .. haha haiz.. sian lar..today when to see my test bottle lar.. haiz.. all the solution like settle down liao.. that mean no proper mixing.. die lar.. if not mix properly mean the reading not accurate lar.. haiz.. sian

Dun tok bout the experiment liao .. haha today dam shiok lar.. can slp for dam long.. wake up at 9.30 so sad lar.. if can slp even longer jiu shiok.. haha but must consider dam heng liao lar.. cause this is one my longest within this 2 week plus plus lar.. haha.. today take 74 dam fast lar.. haha cause got 1 bus infront who keep pick up passenger.. haha so th bus dun have to pick up passenger.. so dam shiok lar.. haha.. so reach school quite earli lor.. haha than go see my friend eat their lunch.. cause me already eaten liao than go school haha OYA today is again another day me looking thru a frame haha cause finali wear spec for so long lar.. haha than my friend all say that i look like salesman who is good at cheating aunty buying some stuff from me.. haha even my dar dar also sae so lar.. so sad... haha

Today do dicussion for project lar.. haha do presentation and discussion.. haha we al like plaeing lar.. haha sing song dance.. haha sound weird right? haha but that what we normalli do.. haha cool right.. haha so how long are we going to finnish our proj.. haha dun ask me haha after that we still go cut hair.. haha 3 guy cut hair together lar..so funni lar.. haha but not bad lar.. haha cut liao still not bad.. despite my hair does not look ani much diff haha

SIan ar.. now at home cheong report gosh lar.. haiz.. faint lor.. haha so mani lar.. haiz..tml still got 1 event to run lor.. haha wish me luck kk!!!

OYA today is my second week bloggin.. haha so those who sae i will not blog after 2 week.. haha U R WRONG! haha cause the blog is still alive.. with more post comming in! haha and it is still my longest surviviing blog.. haha


it's you and me <3
5:57 AM

Sunday, July 8, 2007

wah dam power lar.. 24 hour concert.. haha the whole nite leh.. wun waste electricity meh? haha how the concert promote the global warming ar? haha no picture to show effect of global warming all that .. think the NKF show is beta lar.. still got show footages how people suffer.. haiz... organizer of live earth seem like they are not singaporean.. haha or else they will folow liao lor.. haha

toking about life earth.. yesterday watch the china part.. wah lau...so boring leh.. thought it will be dam the power and interesting kind of concert.. haha so normal!!!! waste time watching.. haha toking bout china.. haha there is one pic i wish to show u it was taken by my best friend who went to china recently
When people want to visit china.. i think many friend and relative will tell them how thick the fats is.. what more can u see the hair.... gosh lar... i remeber my recent china trip was also dam the bad lar.. haha the fish bone is like dam lots lar.. haha than the taste... *faint* the earthy smell so strong.. scare people wun buy their mouth refresher like that .. haiz... think the taste of some food is like so dam the yucky... haha the fats, the oil, the bones, the color, u just wun make u wait impatiently for ur meal... u just hope that u can quickly go back to your hotel room skipping all your meal... go home and waste the dirt which have accumulated since the second u left the hotel.. haha it is as thick as the oil they serve u.. haha that why their cosmetic sell so good lar.. haha people have to buy to protect their face from all this kind of attack.. haha ...digusting lar.. since toking about china... let me share with u a few interesting experience i have encouter.. haha just leaving the plane... me went to the toilet .. i was like going to pee cause the person infront of me going to pee finish liao .. than some stupid old hag.. from the country was like pushing me away so that he can pee.. so dam the rude right.. the next one was that... everywhere we go.. the people just feel like pushing us lar..even at some tourist attraction place.. they cant even act act to be more civilise like that ... still tok dam loudly (literally shouting across!) even in a lift.. haha and still start pushing lar.. if u are going over to the country.... one very important skills u must learn... PUSH THEM BACK!.. haha an eye for an eye was an idiom we learn in primary school.. now we can finalli can apply the idiom liao ..haha... what more they can like complaining why the aircraft engine is like onli2 engine why not 4.. haha cause they have paid alot of cash.. haha... gosh.. tat is one of the stupidest thing i ever hear lar.. haha mere sing dollar 200 dollar expect to have big aircraft leather seat and even personnal steward ar? haha fat hope bah! wait until your 200dollar is like some big money bah!
ooya today read 1 article.. dam funni lar.. haha the ameriacan have adopted a new sign.. (china free!) haha so dam the power lar.. haha it is kind of good lar.. so people noe liao can dun buy.. haha if not poison their son and daughter with fake milk powder... buying cans of meat containing dead animal meat (imagine the amount of bacteria?!)... hmm.. evem fake medicine.. which can kill mani people lar.. haiz...
time to jia you wor... 2008 olympic coming soon wor!

it's you and me <3
5:09 AM

Finalli.. now infront of my com liao .. haha after my wonderful dinner.. I have realise that i have eaten chicken for more than 2 weeks le bah... or may be ten day liao ...haha the amount of protein i have eaten hope can help to generate more brain cells for me so that i can cheong my exam which is coming on this sunday.. and also my school exam next month and worst... my basic test on the monday directly after my exam... realli busy xia.. haha

now now.. i am in a dilemma just dunnoe who to choose.. both are so dam the important to me.. and i cant even live without both of them... haiz.. just dunnoe how to choose.. tml morning who should i meet...

dar dun worri... the other she is no other than my sleep!!! haha so you are still my one and onli.. haha

Today went to continue my course.. haha so dam tired lar pay money to torture myself haha but kind of fun... especially you can interact with other people.. haha but hor.. me not so socialable.. haha me will still stick to my friend.. haha cause dun forget i am a SHY boi.. haha sian lar... next sunday still got test lar.. haiz.. just hope that i will pass if not.. i will knock my head lar.. when most of my friend all say like dam easy to pass like that .. haha so just hope my small little brain will function during my test wor.. haha

sian lar.. tml still have to go smell the perfume again.. haiz.. hope it just dun stink my clothing wor.. haha if stink my clothing liao me jiu die.. haha pH 11.8 leh.. later my shirt got 1 hole ar.. haha may be worst ... my skin also got 1 hole.. haha haiz.. tml think me will wear spec go school liao .. dun want to wear the lab gogle lar.. haha so loose. keep on slip from my face.. haiz... face to small lar.. cant hold the protector properly.. haha gosh.. how long i haven wear my spec liao ar??
haha may be like 3 -5 month liao wor.. haha pei one spec also hardly wear.. haha power xia.. haha

it's you and me <3
4:30 AM

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Few day neber update my blog liao .. or may be just more than 24 hour nia.. haha but kind of feeling weird... cause that mean i have not face the com for more than 24++ hour liao .. haha.. me is not those computer freak who will have to face the com everyday 24/7 but me have to at least look at the com for hmm may be 1 hour.. than it realli is consider 1 day .. haha this coming monday is my blog 2 week old liao .. happi bday to you!!! haha....

have you all wonder why it is call fermentingme? haha well.. i realli wish to be fermenting lar.. haha everysecond the clock ticks.. the better you are... that why old wine is good and cheese is better if it is older right...evem tofu too.. haha

haiz.. my this few day kind of like dam sian lar.. yesterday do lab work.. haiz.. stupid lar.. one of the water kana contaminated than have to wait for like so dam long just to aerate the water lar.. haiz.. so sad.. what the most sad part is that we use a very inaccurate equipment to measure that why keep on saying the water is still not ready for the experiment.. haiz.. waste time!!! what more the water smell dam the nice lar.. haha erm.. may be is some hongkong feet smell plus some rotten egg smell.. plus.. some garbage smell lor.. haha just yuck lar.. haha (ladies .. if you realli want to go on diet.. haha just imgaine the taste of the food will taste the same of the waste water.. haha think may be 3 month also dun need to eat lar!) haha...

what the most important thing of yesterday was that it was the 7th day of out relationship.. haha and thing is getting fine.. haha read the news paper today and the horoscope section was like saying gemini is not going to have a smooth relation ship this month!!... gosh lar.. not say i paranoid or uncle to believe suchthings lar.. but realli just hope notin going to happen.. cause me realli dun want to looose you again.. the feeling was realli terrible.. cause it as good as loosing ur life... (not trying to bluff u kk! cause u are realli important!) haha but yesterday was the 5th time of the week i met her.. haha but seem like the chances of meeting eachother is getting slimmer cause you and me are rushing on our own project haiz.... how i wish i am studying in the same school as u! haha stay just beside you at all the time!!! haha...

that for now.. haha cause me is kind of tired now.. haven have my dinner... haha

it's you and me <3
3:26 AM

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Haiz... dar so sorri (i noe i shouldn't use it! but i think this time i should use it!) that i cant even cheer u up even when you are emo and cant even acc you even when you are not feel very well.. gib me sometime kk.. me will brush up my skills on hong people happi de kk..

Well.. today was kind of bad day for me.. haha not because of what tireness cause was kind of pissed with the jinx.. haha over some issues which happen in the past.. haha cause i just want to get back what belongs to me.. but i think i am quite demanding wor..what more the president of the club was holding interview for the new committee but when i ask him whether i can help he was saeing NO... BLOODY hell.. u everything 1 man show.. than i this committee memeber do what? want change the whole club jiu change and neber get ani view from the committee lar... think he so smart lar..just a farking irritating brat....

may be toking something more happi bah.. today went to donate blood... haha first time wor.. haha.. kind of strange cause pass all the station except the last part.. haha cause the person cant find the vain lar.. than finalli find liao than she sae that she think my vain toooo thin.. ask me go back 6 month later .. haha... stupid lar.. than my friend the nurse who help him.. help me find my vain.. haha so power lar.. pro leh.. haha experience jiu shi experience lar.. touch touch awhile jiu can find liao lor.. haha

Injection was what i have fear ever since my pre molar extraction.. haha cause it was so dam pain lar.. haha but today the needle not that pain.. even when the needle is in me still dunnoe leh.. haha when they poke in the thcker needle.. haha the nurse cant poke in cause she say my skin toooo tough lar.. haha so after some struggling than she able to poke it in lar..i was telling her that my skin like elephant lar.. haha than she was laughin.. haha

looking at my blood i realise that it look like some pig blood lar.. haha than the nurse was like telling me to go to the store which sell the pig organ soup to add more ingrediant.. haha dam funni lar.. haha but not bad lor.. afterall my first time blood donation was kind of successful... haha

it's you and me <3
4:57 AM

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Brand new day again... haha seem like everyday passes dam the easy lar.. haha as if the calender pages is dropping even faster than a person who is balding lar.. haha to think today will be july liao.. haha 4th of july in exact.. haha.. toking about the day... haha the day 3rd of july have pass... and sadly notin good and bad have happen.. haha not as if someone give me 3 million dollar in cash.. haha so now me is still a poor boi.. living in singapore with everything rising.. haha ooo ya even my tutorial is also rising.. haiz.. so sad.. now i noe why i look so short... haha casuse everything is rising except my height... haha sad lar...

being a good boi.. haha me turn up for all the meeting earli.. haha (as if!) haha but it seem like i am still the guaiest boi among my friend cause i always turn up meeting earlier than them... muhaha so next time anione see me... gib me a tap on my shoulder and tell me to keep it up wor.. it not i will be forget that i need to remain as a good boi wor.. haha....(i say it 1 more time is TAP not WHACK ar.. haha !)

now in the room waiting for my friend while some cleaner from my school enter the room and start cleaning the room wah lau.... haha make me sound like some cleaner superviser lar.. haha or make me look like some exhibits haha.. everymorning have to clean the glass panel than can show people.. haha eh... pls lor.. haha i am homo sapian..haha so notin much to see what you have i have (guys!) MOST of the thing you have i also have (gal!)

yawning non stop today.. haha there was one report and done by some univeristy of dunnoe where .. forgoten,. haha saying that yawning will make you more awake... (may be make you concentrate slightly better!) haha so i will be yawning almost everyday.. haha at most of the time liao .. haha cause i realli need to increase my concentration haha.. so in future if you see some on on the street keep on yawning... may be u can go to him and ask him whether the guy is me anot lor.. haha...

it's you and me <3
6:05 PM

what a day... gosh.. so tired lar.. dunnoe why this few day not enough slp or what.. haha.. during lunch also dun have wei kou to eat.. haha cant even finnish 1 bowl of noodle.. haha normali eat 1 bowl still wun feel full.. haha this few month keep lSing lar..(detoxing lor haha may be can help me slim down to remove my 1 harmony country of mine.. haha... but seem like someone realli like my one country hor.. haha..

Wah today siao lar.. have to have 2 hour lecture than still got 3 hours of tutorial haha all by the same teacher lar.. haha lucki my teacher today mood dam good lar.. so can go hme at about 4+++ haha if not will be dam tired to live on.. haha

but lucki today me met my dar dar..dun noe why everytime i see her i feel very energetic lar...haha she always my sunshine.. haha making me like a sunflower everyday waiting for her arival and wanted to face and look at her through out her whole day! haha

OOOYA ... forgoted to add that i am still going to work with him again.. haiz.. and he still dare to say he need to be moltivated like when people dun want to do with him than he will chiong his work.. bloody hell lar.. wase my time working with him lar.. fark him lar.. it realli make me feel like i am nice to be make use lor..this kind of bastard also got.. dunnoe why i am so suai lar.. haiz... can god just help me.. i realli dunnoe how long can i still stand him... may be 1 fine day when mount alvin errupt... than he will noe!

it's you and me <3
6:23 AM

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Gosh... i am now in a bloody foul mood now... dunnoe why i am so unlucky to be doing my project someone i realli hate to work with him (because of his attitude!) this is not the first time... for this module i have so mani tutorial working with him. Everytime it seem like i am the one who is doing alot lar..Can you imagine a person who just simpli copy and paste all the info without trying to filter what is not needed than sae he do liao... than i am the poor person have to do so mani of the summary work just to simplify all the work.... If he dun copy and paste... he will start using his own word...the worst part is that he dun even press a simple button F7 to check for spelling mistake than jiu send it to me and ask me to edit it...

GOsh! i onli have a C6 grade and he have C5 grade.. theoretically his ang mo will be better than mine lar.. but seem like i have to do the editing... worst is doing script that time for other module the presentation.. everyone is trying very hard to do their script... i have to help him to do not just the backbone for the script... it is as good as i have done all the script for his part lor...

I dunnoe how mani more time is he going to JINX me... he is realli my JINX lar... trying to pull down my grade like that.. pls lar.. me dun want to be a uneducated person which he look like in his present state... Not trying to look down people who dun speak well or what.. but he just can try to make himself look more civilise... it is realli wasting my time....

so if you are complaing about how bad your groupmate pls... compare your situation with mine... kk

it's you and me <3
11:38 PM

This phrase is for 2 thing.. haha one for my blog.. the other is for my relationship...

Alot of my friend have been telling me that this blog will not be existing in this virtual world for that long.. haha may be 2 weeks.. haha but today is like the 7th day of my blogging and the mood is still there.. haha so dun worri.. haha so this blog is still save for now... haha

Todays is the 4th day... haha and it realli seem that i cant live without you now....trust me kk... i noe that guy always sweet talk to their GF just to make them happi... i may seem like i am good at that... but realli i suck at that kk.. . so what ever i sae realli come from the bottom of my heart.. erm... nah... is from my heart... (if it is from the bottom than is not heart liao .. haha) And dun forget our deal kk... ya and our no room for misunderstanding still stand kk...that what i have always hated lar.. misunderstanding... gosh... just cant helpremebering the past..

hmm... my day till now was kind of a tiring day xia.. haha my half asleep brain and my almost emptied fuel tank make me feel like i will be heading the motor repair shop soon haha...my event always seem not going very smoothly and the teacher still want us do so manithing.. haiz... just feel like doing it fast and pass this module.. YUCK lar.. haiz... with out the module may be i will be a dam free person.. haha everyday can go out and play... haha wha more the stupid lapreport... waste of time lar.. dunnoe this time will need how mani day to complete the report.. and how long will our report be.. haiz.. last time our intro did 16 page wor.. haiz..

yesterday dam hot lar.. at zouk from morning till evening.. haha do the milkrun event haha was a NANNY for the soka group call stomp... wah.. they are very energetic lar.. can hit the pails for so long.. and can go on for like hours straigh.. haha pei fu wor.. haha me like reach the place less than 30 minute jiu feel like sleeping le lor..haha if i got at least 10 % of their energy.. haha than i will like erm...feeling refresh at all time.. haha dun have to curse the muscle who is incharge of pulling my eyelid up! haha

Oya meet my fav pic for this few months/week/day/ or hour (which will be the best)

Onli my dar will noe what does that mean .. right dar.. haha well.. dunnoe when can i remove this plate.. haha cause just want to remove it and be the actual one.. haha

it's you and me <3
9:30 PM


.Rivervale Primary School
.Nan Chiau High School.
.Serangoon Junior College [Thebes Beta].
.Ngee Ann Polytechnic.



Irene Leong
Jie Si
Jia Jun


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
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August 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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May 2009
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Believe me - Dima Bilan